Staff Profile

Aaron Davey | Health and Physical Education Teacher |  Deputy Head of Clemes - Year 9 Program from 2024

When did you join The Friends' School?

Joined The Friends' School in the middle of 2022, starting semester two. I had been looking for an opportunity to join the Friends' community for a number of years and was ecstatic when an HPE position became available.


How long have you been teaching?

I’ve been teaching for 18 years. I spent 14 years at Dominic College and 2 years at MacKillop College. I went to the University of Tasmania in Launceston. Throughout my time, I have been lucky enough to have various roles including Director of Pastoral Care, 7-10 Coordinator of Pastoral Care, House Coordinator, HPE Curriculum Coordinator and Head of Sport.


What is your most memorable moment from this year?

I am honoured to be the Deputy Head of Campus - Year 9 in 2024. When I was able to launch next year's programs to the current Year 8 students in an assembly, the vibe was electric. While no doubt, some elements that are unknown caused some reservations with the students, overall their enthusiasm and excitement was inspiring. 


A group of students are volunteering their time to help develop parts of the program. This as well as developing the staff team and leading build-up opportunities such as our workshop with Will Smith from JCP Youth continues to generate momentum leading into an exciting 2024.


Where is your favourite place in the world?

I love the beach and the warm weather. Thailand has certainly been the go-to Holiday destination for my family. Certainly waking up in warm weather and having a curry for breakfast is a great way to start a day.


What is your secret talent (that won't be so secret now)?!

I’m not so sure it is a special talent, but I think one of my strengths is that time management and organisation. With a wonderful sport-addicted family and an amazing job, ensuring that adequate time is spent ensuring that I can be the best dad I can be, and the best teacher I can be, as well as finding time to manage my own health and well-being is crucial. Role modeling is important for my own children, as well as the students that I support.


The students might say I have a talent for buying shoes - I say it’s part of being a Health and Physical Education teacher, but have probably developed a fair collection over the years.