Principal's Report

“Animals are such agreeable friends-they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms” – George Eliot


Animal Visits

What a wonderful way to end a productive and busy term! All our students were able to get close up with some amazing animals, birds and reptiles this week as they came to visit us here at Monash. It was amazing to see our children get the chance to hold, touch, pat or watch from a little distance and see the excitement and smiles on their faces. The staff loved it too!


Capital Works Update

The tables and chairs are in the new building waiting on our children! The finishing touches are being made and the car park concrete pour is scheduled for next week. We have everything crossed that we will be able to move into the new building at the start of the new term, but we have to make sure we have the occupancy permit before that happens. Please keep an eye on compass as we will be sending out vital information for either your child to be moving to a new classroom if they are currently in the relocatables and the possibility of new car park arrangements. I also ask in advance for your patience and understanding as we move. It will all be worth it in the long run!



I would like to say goodbye to two of our staff at the end of this term. Jess Mooney (classroom teacher) is moving to a promoted post in another school and Sharon Martin (ES) is also leaving us. We wish them both all the very best with their next steps.


I would like to warmly welcome two new classroom teachers to our school community. Eimear Carroll will be taking on the role of classroom teacher in Group 10 and Jade Kivlehan will be the classroom teacher for Group 21. 


Please do not hesitate if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school community. We wish you a restful and enjoyable break, and look forward to welcoming you back next term.


Stay safe,

