Year 1 Spotlight

Scienceworks Excursion

Two shiny buses arrived at FPS on Thursday morning, 18th June to take some very excitable Year 1 students to Scienceworks. We started our day in the Planetarium where we watched the cartoon “Tycho Goes To Mars” and learned about the constellations. Did you know that Olympus Mons on Mars is two and a half times the height of Mount Everest? 


After that we spent time exploring Sportworks and Think Ahead areas. Everyone’s favourite activity was to design our own future cars. We spent our last session in the Lightning Room where we learned about the different types of weather and how to stay safe when there is lightning and thunder. We learnt that the three basic ingredients for all weather are heat, water and wind. What a fun and busy day it was!

Think Ahead
Ready to watch Tycho Goes To Mars at the planetarium
Think Ahead
Ready to watch Tycho Goes To Mars at the planetarium


As young Mathematicians we are learning that Maths is just not about numbers. We have been discovering different types of measurement, including time and length. We have discovered that time is everywhere. How many analogue or digital clocks are in your house? We are learning to tell the time on an analogue clock using o’clock and half past.


We have also been measuring each other with informal units, such as unifix, textas and glue sticks. We have learnt that you need to use the same informal unit when measuring an object.


We are also learning to be problem solvers. When solving addition and subtraction we can use different strategies. Some of these strategies are count on and back, doubles and near doubles, number lines, facts to 10 and using concrete materials.


Telling the time
Measuring with textas
Measuring with textas
Telling the time
Measuring with textas
Measuring with textas

Personal & Social Capabilities

Throughout a very busy semester, Year 1 students have been developing their Personal and Social Capabilities. We have been developing Emotional Literacy to help identify our feelings, as well as recognising facial expressions, and body language. Students enjoyed acting out and role playing different emotions and guessing what each other was expressing.


We have also been Filling Buckets. Finding different ways to show our appreciation for Random Acts of Kindness that help foster friendships and contribute to the culture of our classrooms. A full bucket means loads of kindness! What has been your random act of kindness today? 🙂


Year 1 students have also been exploring their Personal Strengths. What they are interested in, what they feel proud about, their skills and achievements. Classes have worked hard on personal Strength traits, developing displays thats have helped us explain and understand honesty, fair, funny, hard working, forgiving, curious, kindness, patient and more! Our Year1s are often showing these traits and learning from our Leaders.


~ Year 1 Teachers (Aaron, Anne, Emilia, Binh & Olivia) and Students