Community News

Battle of the Bands | French Dinner Club

Sold Out! Battle of the Bands

We wish our FPS parent band Double Denim the very best as they compete against other primary school parent bands – Brunswick East, Northcote and Westgarth – in the Northside Battle of the Bands Wednesday night. 


Here's to a great night out, some funds raised for our Performing Arts program, and hopefully a battle victory for Double Denim!


Salut Francophiles! 

We have started up a pot-luck dinner once a term for FPS parents who speak French and would like to connect with other French speakers and practise on a casual basis. We try to organise one meeting per term and no ongoing commitment is required.


If you are interested in joining our friendly WhatApp group contact Anna Evans (Grade 2 parent) on 0415 505 475. You don’t need to be fluent but just willing to have a go at speaking French over dinner. Everyone is willing to help each other out if they are stuck for words. 


~ Anna Evans (FPS Parent)