Student News

"Be The Best That You Can Be" 

Middle School Report 2021

As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank the school community for all they have done to help us continue to strive in 2021 through all of the unexpected changes and challenges. To all parents and guardians who took on the role of teacher with us during remote learning, alongside the number of roles within the home and work commitments, we thank you. We congratulate students for adapting continuously to a variety of learning settings and remaining dedicated to their education. You were fantastic and we have admired your efforts to respect each other in such different times  

In addition to sending messages of gratitude, I sincerely thank the sub-school staff who have worked incredibly hard from the beginning of the year to support students, staff and families. Teachers, Support Staff and Administration have been wonderful to work with and a real sense of community emerged in the school community, although at times we were working and learning from home. I sincerely thank our Year Level Coordinators, Wellbeing and Careers Team. The support offered to our students has been incredible. To name these staff members, Miss McMahon, Ms Hodgkinson, Miss Wilson, Eva Myszka and Ms Jakubiki. I also would like to acknowledge Home Group teachers for all that they did to make ten minutes each morning so welcoming. 

The year has included some excursions, which were made possible in the small window of opportunity that could be found. The Year 7 Camp and Surf Trips were highlights for students. It was lovely to spend time with our students and get to know them individually during these events. During remote learning, online competitions, seminars and information sessions allowed students to still take part in social, educational and wellbeing experiences. On our return to school, students were able to obtain raffle tickets for positive behaviours in the classroom and the prizes were well received.   

Moving towards a restful break with families and friends, students finished the year with Enrichment Learning in classes and Activities Week. The Year 7 students who patiently awaited the Science Excursion to the Zoo were able to attend on the 10th of December.  Although internal, due to restraints, Activities Week included some competitive games, baking and arts and crafts. A sausage sizzle lunch on the first day was a huge success enjoyed by students and I thank Ms Sharpe and Karyn Sinni for making this happen.   

To all parents and guardians that have contacted the Middle School to extend gratitude throughout the year, this was much appreciated. We send warm wishes for the holiday season and ask our school community take time to enjoy and refresh for the new year.   

Angela Field 

Middle School Leader 

Senior School Report 2021

As the year draws to a close, we can reflect on the many special events that have occurred in the Senior School this year, despite the many lockdowns; Year 10 Camp, Year 11 RYDA Excursion, Year 11 Formal, Year 12 Study Skills Day, Year 12 Revision lectures, Year 12 Special Dress-Up days and lunches, Year 12 Celebration Picnic and much more. We are so proud of the way our students have continued to engage in their learning, even during lockdown, and continue to strive to be “the best you can be.” 


Year 10 

When students returned to face to face learning in Term 4, the Year 10 Coordinator (Mrs Anetoudis) and Senior School Leader (Ms Galli) distributed icy poles to students at the start of lunch for a special welcome back treat. Year 10 students were given a break from exams in Semester 2 so they could focus on engaging in learning in the classroom again. There was also a Year 11 Transition program for VCE and VCAL students during the 22nd – 25th November, which was a fantastic opportunity for students to make a start on their learning for 2022. 

Year 11

The big highlight for Year 11 in Term 4 was the Formal on Thursday 18th November. After a year of lockdowns, it was great to see the Year 11 students dress up in handsome suits and elegant dresses and have a night of fun singing, dancing, eating and socialising. 

Year 11’s also had a transition program into Year 12 during the week of 15th – 19th November. Students have also chosen their Year 12 jackets. Orders have been placed and should be ready early in 2021.

Year 12

Despite COVID and the restrictions we had to endure, we managed to organise a Celebration Day Picnic to mark the final day for our Year 12 students on Wednesday 20th October. The weather was on our side and the sun shone brightly for a perfect picnic setting! Students revelled in the opportunity to dress up in a variety of outfits with ranging themes from superheroes to traditional cultural costumes. 

The day began with a trip down memory lane and a video presentation of their high school journey from Year 7 to the end of Year 12. Some of the highlights of the day included the formal presentation of Graduation Certificates; the Year 12 Teacher Awards; and the fabulous picnic lunch with students and their teachers.

A big thank you to the Year 12 teachers for their support of students during a challenging year and a special mention to families for their continued support of the college throughout the years. 

We wish all our students the best with receiving their VCE results at 7am on Thursday 16th December and pursuing their chosen pathway! Voula Jakubicki will be available to support students on this day and we encourage students to send Voula a meeting request through Teams.

We wish all our families a relaxing and restful break over the holidays. Thank you for your continued support of our college.

Michelle Galli

Senior School Leader

WHSC Educating with Pride Magazine

The Diversity Club have worked hard this year on making their wonderful 'Pride Magazine'. Click on the link below to check out their fantastic work! Thank you to Ms Subity for her involvement in the club throughout 2021.

My Year 9 Urban City Scavenger Hunt experience     

It was exciting that the Year 9 students could venture into the City 24th November, culminating in their study of Marvellous Melbourne. Special thanks to Miss Sharpe and the wonderful Urban teachers for their enthusiasm and guidance as the Urban Team. Students’ photos and reflections show what a fabulous experience we all enjoyed. 

Miss Jacinta Wilson

Year 9 Coordinator 


My Year 9 Urban City Scavenger Hunt experience     Ecstatic, the Year 9 cohort had the opportunity to explore the city and its iconic landmarks as part of our subject Urban Connections. We were separated in groups of two to four, equipped with a map, our phones, and a list of thirteen locations. As part of our task, we completed an Urban Tourism Project and took photos to document our visit. Following our bus ride, we arrived at the Ian Potter Centre at Federation Square, and hastily set out on foot to complete our scavenger hunt. Together with Nosheen Thaquiyyuddin, I visited ten locations, which were all unique and memorable. Personally, my favourite location was the water nymph in Alexandra Gardens. Although we were sweating and taking a few wrong turns, the water nymph was a majestic sight, and its surrounding greenery made it a tranquil environment. Melbourne city has claimed the title: “the most liveable city in the world” several times, and it’s not hard to see why. Its attractions are artistic, special, and dear to all Melbournians; it conveys Melbourne’s culture and history. Hosier Laneway gave us a sample of Melbourne’s vast street art, while, the Shrine of Remembrance, its classical architecture and the eternal flame acknowledges all the selfless men and women who sacrificed themselves for our nation. Providing us a place to pay our respects and recognise Australia’s history. Not to mention, it provides great photo opportunities and beautiful vistas. Sandringham Immigration Bridge, Southbank and Queen Bee are a few additional landmarks that we explored. On behalf of my year level, I would like to say thank you to Miss Sharpe, and all the staff who made this possible. We recognise that the pandemic has limited us of events this year, and we’re very fortunate to have gone. We truly enjoyed this excursion, and we’re grateful that we had the chance to visit our city and its remarkable attractions.    Samantha Loh 9D


The 2021-year 9 City Scavenger unt was a wonderful experience that gave students the opportunity to explore the southern outskirts of the city of Melbourne. It was a great escape into a place we have not been able to go to for a long time and this excursion was a great way to come back to the city we love.
As soon as my team was ready we headed off into the colourful spray-painted alleys of Hosier lane and AC/DC lane, taking time to admire each piece of art, we took our picture and continued to the next stop.
Now I may have been a little competitive and , as a result may have wanted to complete the hunt the fastest, with the fastest routs mapped, planned toilet breaks and leaving lunch till last, but while I was jogging along batman Ave on my way to the Angle statue, I realised that the rest of my team weren’t. This slowed plans but nevertheless they made me realise the real reason we went to the city, to look at the beautiful city we all know and love. We slowed to a speed walking pace taking the picture at the angle and continuing to walk along the Yarra and crossing swan street bridge, we arrived at our fourth stop, the Mural at the Myer Music Bowl. Next stop, the eternal flame, the path to the shrine was quite nice with us going through the many gardens and memorials, stopping to have a break and going on once more, when we got to the shrine I felt this weird sense of calm, but also formality. We walked up the stone steps and took in the simple beauty of the shrine and the eternal flame, we took our picture and headed to the floral clock, passing back through the gardens and coming to St Kilda Rd. Next we went off to the water window at The NGV. The window was one of my favourite places due to the idea of a statue being inside the glass trying to get out. We spent some time here and headed off again to do our last few stops. At this point my team and I were a little tired, but I encouraged them to keep going, telling them we would have a big lunch at the end. We were well on time and would finish soon. We had arrived at the Alexander Gardens, marked by two statues. One named WATER NIMPH engraved into the polished stone. Overall the year nine city scavenger hunt was a great success and an awesome experience for all and ide love to see it happen next year in 2022. Seth Walton 9C

School Leadership Camp 

The school leadership camp is a great opportunity for all leaders from various year levels to come together and improve on their leadership skills as a group. The activities such as Abseiling, Canoeing and Hiking in the picturesque setting, pushed us all out of our comfort zones and encouraged trying new things. The four groups Red, Green, Blue and Yellow all mixed so well right off the bat and created good, friendly competition between everyone. Overall the camp was a great experience and taught us all heaps of valuable lessons, these lessons will be applied to our leadership positions next year in all sorts of ways. - Lachlan Palmer (School Captain, 2022)


Year 6 Orientation Day

On Tuesday 7th December, students currently in Year 6 who will be starting at WHSC next year in Year 7, came to WHSC for their Orientation Day. Students participated in a variety of activities prepared by our Transitions Coordinator Ms Sharpe along with the Year 9 Peer Support students. This gave students the opportunity to meet their future classmates as well as become familiar with the school grounds. We look forward to welcoming our 2022 Year 7's! 

Unveiling of our Year 7 Virtual Reality Project, with WHSC Artist in Residence Susannah Langley

Earlier this year, WHSC submitted a proposal to Regional Arts Victoria’s “Creative Workers in Schools” initiative that was based around the idea of using new technologies to create and showcase art. We were successful and lucky enough to be paired with Melbourne-based artist Susannah Langley, who has come on board throughout 2021 as the school’s artist in residence. She, along with our art and technology teams, have been creating 3D, digital pieces with our Year 7 classes this year that have been designed to be interactive pieces of art in Virtual Reality. We are proud to unveil the finished project, and invite our school community into this space. Simply follow the following link to the Wheelers Hill Mozillaverse to interact with the students’ virtual pieces via the Mozilla Hubs platform 


As another point of difference, the Art and Technology Exhibition is displayed on the front gates of the school through Augmented Reality technology. The exhibition has been running from Monday 6th December until Sunday 12th December. We encourage our school community to visit the exhibition as displayed on the front gates at any point during this week to revel in the celebration of Arts and Technology at WHSC.

To engage with the AR technology, simply download the “ARTIVIVE” app on your smartphone or tablet, and follow the instructions provided at the exhibition. We ask students and families to follow COVID-safe practices while engaging in the exhibition, by checking in with the QR code on the Service Victoria app; maintaining social distancing, and wearing a face mask when this is difficult; and ensuring to not touch the exhibition to reduce the risk of contact-transmission.

Year 7, going to the Zoo, zoo, zoo

On Friday 10th December, our Year 7 students were lucky enough to have an excursion! The chosen location, Melbourne Zoo. Students enjoyed learning about different animals, how they live and what impact climate change is having on some of our beloved species. 

Year 7 ACE Writing

The ACE English class experimented with symbolism in their writing and crafted pieces that conveyed ideas and emotions to their target audiences. Charli Paterson’s piece below exemplifies this experimentation with her focus on atmospheric sensory writing. Well done, Charli! Your creative writing has certainly progressed over this year. 

Victoria Police Launch 'Schools Engagement Model' at WHSC.


On Wednesday 8th December and Friday 10th of December, WHSC were asked to be the media launch school for a new initiative being introduced by the Victoria Police, “Schools Engagement Model”.

The “SEM” is based around building and supporting positive relationships and interactions between Victoria Police and the community, particularly young people.

This was a fantastic opportunity for our college, where we were able to showcase our fabulous school and students, whilst also supporting this worthy community cause.