Foundation Unit / Year 1

Year 1 News..
It was with great excitement that we welcomed our Year Ones for 2022 into their classrooms on Monday. The babble of greetings, introductions and shrieks of excitement highlighted just how much our students enjoy being back at school. For some the holidays were a wonderful chance to catch up with family and friends, for others Covid continued to interrupt holiday plans.
We thank you for adjusting to yet again a new addition to the Covid back-to-school plan - administering RATs. The children did delight in sharing the horrors of the tests and exactly how that felt with their classmates!
It has been wonderful to see how smoothly the students have settled into their first week. They have been getting to know their new class and teachers, revising school expectations, and exploring new materials and workbooks. The focus during the first week of school is on setting up the framework to support students with habits that will allow them to gain the most from their learning and social opportunities. Students have practised finding new classrooms, lining up in different areas and exploring new play areas. A big congratulations to all our students on entering school independently and with increasing confidence as the week progressed.
We are delighting in getting to know our students and look forward to a positive and productive (with fingers crossed limited interruptions!) year during 2022.
The Year One Unit
Foundation / Year 1 Teachers
Debbie Thompson, Sally Quinn, Jody Bretherton, Zoe Bronchinetti, Zoe Sutherland/Jules Smith, Emma Beaumont