Middle Unit -2/3

Year 2/3 News..
Welcome back!
It has been wonderful to see the smiling, enthusiastic faces of the Year 2 and 3 students. It has been a positive start to the year despite the crazy weather. In week one, the Middle Unit students have been learning all about the school values. In particular we have had many conversations around the value ‘Be a Learner’. Being a learner is all about having a growth mindset and setting goals that will stretch us. Students have learnt about ‘The Learning Pit’ which shows that there is usually a struggle before a Eureka moment in learning and this is normal.
In Maths, students have been graphing their birthdays and revising the months in the year.
In Reading and Writing, we have been setting expectations for what our lessons will look like, sound like and feel like over the course of the year. Students have been generating ideas in their Writer’s notebooks and practising selecting ‘Just Right’ books for independent and home reading.
Year 2/3 Teachers
Joanna Marsh, Libby Tobin, Louise Safstrom/Kerrin Felini, Lyndsay Adamson,
Libby Cannon