Senior Unit - 5/6

Senior Unit News..
This week in the Senior Unit, students have been settling in and getting used to being back in the classroom.
On the first day, all students were ready to ‘rock and roll’, excited to meet their new teachers and class mates. Everyone was glad to be back, especially the Year 5’s who were ready to start their journey as a Senior Student.
Although it was over 30 degrees on the first day, the Year 6’s were determined to show off their new jackets. Many of them looking very hot and bothered by the end of the day.
We have been introduced to a number of new subjects this week, this year we will be taking part in Reading and Writing workshops. The focus of this week’s Reading Workshop has been creating a balanced reading diet and focusing on what type of books we like. In our Writing workshop, we have been brainstorming writing topics using things that are close to use. We will be writing personal memoirs from these ideas.
The students have also completed a personal shield, that show different pictures and colours that represent their likes and personalities. They all look terrific and wouldn’t look out of place on a knight’s armour.
This week we also began our Senior Unit Jobs Program. Some of the jobs include: recycling, working in the canteen, garbology and gardening just to name a few. These jobs will rotate every term so that students get the opportunity to try different jobs. The Year 5/6’s are all very excited to take on their new responsibilities.
Written by Charlie, Lucca and Liam
Year 5/6 Teachers
Nathan Spilsted, Kat Harrap, Jad Geer/Ashleigh Dodds, Courtney Lawrence,
Mark Condon