Curriculum, Learning & Engagement

School Wide Positive Behaviour
The SWPBS approach at Woodend Primary School has been a part of our school and students for many years. It is designed to promote and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff. It has a focus on all students and in all different spaces within the school. It also has a positive focus on academic and behavioural outcomes across the school.
This week all classes have been learning about the school values and the expectations that are within the school. This has also included our systems in place when receiving bee tokens as an acknowledgement of positive behaviour. We have four school values and a behaviour matrix which are being displayed proudly in all learning spaces at Woodend Primary. Thank you to Minuteman Press for printing these posters for us as they shine brightly on the walls.
Kylie Minchew
Leading Teacher- Inclusion, Learning and Engagement