Parents and Friends Association

End of Term Picnic
Thank you to everyone who gathered on the oval on the last day of Term. It was great to see so many families enjoying the best of Woodend’s sunshine, the children playing happily and eating ice creams! The PFA hopes to organise opportunities to socialise during the 2022 year, so keep checking this page in the newsletter each fortnight for updates.
Class Contact Groups
Thank you to everyone who has joined our Class Contact List and WhatsApp groups. These groups provide a wonderful way for the school families to connect and support each other, as well as providing an important communication avenue between the school, teachers and the PFA.
We’d encourage all families to opt-in to their class group, by joining via the Google Form. You can find the link in the “Notification from your Class Representative" (sent on Compass prior to school starting). A big thank you to our 18 Class Reps for volunteering their time this year to support their class and teacher with communications. We are seeking a Class Rep for the final grade - Mr Spilsted’s SU1 Class - without which we can’t get the group up and running. Please contact Monique to volunteer or find out more! (You’ll be joining a great team, offered lots of support, and just about everything can be done from your phone or computer).
"I love the class Whatsapp group. It's been a great way to connect with other parents (our child is in Prep), arrange socials, and importantly, stay on top of what's happening in school. When we had the big storms earlier this year and the internet was down a few days, it was really our only source of information. The class reps do a fabulous job of passing on information.” - Emilie
"Being part of the class rep system provided a great way for general communication between families without having to constantly contact teachers or the school for basic information, especially during such times as the most recent storms and remote learning.” - Salina
Upcoming Parents and Friends’ Association meetings and events:
Joining the PFA is a great way to meet people and get involved at our school! Everyone is welcome, we look forward to seeing some new faces in 2022.
- PFA Meeting - The first meeting for Term 1 will be held on Monday 7th of February, from 7pm to 8.30pm. We’d love to see you there! Please email for the agenda and meeting details.
- PFA Annual General Meeting - Will be held on Monday 7th March, 7pm. New and prospective members are very welcome. Location TBA
- November 2022 Carlsruhe Country Fair - contact Salina to find out how you can help!
Stuck On You Fundraiser
Support our fundraiser and never go to lost property again! Order through Stuck On You for iron-on clothing labels, stickers for lunchboxes, water bottles and more. Woodend Primary School will receive a commission of 20% from all sales purchased using the fundraising code “WoodendPS" at the checkout or purchased through this link:
There are tons of great designs and everything can be personalised.
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS
Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School Parents and Friends Community
(You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)
Thank you,
PFA Communications and Class Rep Liaison
Monique Ho