
Welcome back to the start of a new school year, one we all hope will be a much more settled one! And a big welcome to all the new students and families to the wonderful school community of Woodend Primary!! I can’t wait to meet all the new faces and say “Hello” to our returning students.
Library sessions will be starting up in the next week or two, which will be very exciting. If you happened to come across any rogue library books at home during the holidays, please encourage your child/ren to return them to us as soon as possible so they can be returned from against their name on the system. We will be stricter this year regarding overdue books. If students have overdue books for more than two weeks, they will be excluded from borrowing until they are returned, or if lost, paid for. We have been generous over the past two Covid years with allowing children the benefit of having books overdue as we were so hit and miss with our routines of regular sessions.
Unfortunately, it has resulted in quite a few “missing” and “forgotten” books. I am always telling the children that I love getting books returned – better late than never – so would hope that they would not be apprehensive about retuning overdue books.
Book Club
Book club catalogues will be distributed this week. Orders are due on Friday 18 Feb. Orders may be paid for by cash through the school office or by credit card via the Scholastic online LOOP system. Orders are processed twice during the catalogue period, usually a week before it’s due and on the day following the due date. If you have any questions regarding library or the Scholastic book Club, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lastly, I hope everyone has had a great start to the year and fingers crossed for the prospect of a far more settled and less bumpy year!!
Susan Machell