From the Leadership Team

Dear Families,


I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our families and especially to new families joining our College this year. What an exciting time to be part of this history making chapter in the life of Greater Shepparton Secondary College. 


We have a bold vision of creating a College where young people ‘become creative, curious and caring learners who actively contribute to making a better world’.  A College where all our students complete year 12 and have a viable pathway ahead of them. 


We have enjoyed a very successful start to the year and there is a positive buzz around the College as students enjoy the courtyards, the grassed areas, the basketball courts and the oval. The students are adjusting very quickly to their amazing new facilities and are quickly finding their way around the Neighbourhoods.


To support all our students, they each have a designated Home Group Teacher who is getting to know them well. There are also wellbeing and student support staff, Koorie Educators, Careers officers and IT support, all in their House and Neighbourhood, who are there to help them. 


We want all our students to always be proud members of Greater Shepparton Secondary College. We want all to experience the type of care and belonging that comes from being known and connected to their peers and teachers. We have high expectations of our students and we expect them to have high expectations of themselves as they live our Values of Respect, Responsibility, Aspiration and Integrity every day.


As a major secondary college, we have high hopes for the future. We look forward to you helping us tell the stories of our student achievements as we settle into our first year on this site.

Official Opening

Today was a significant day for our community as we officially opened Greater Shepparton Secondary College.  We were very fortunate to have the College opened by the Premier the Hon Daniel Andrews, and the Deputy Premier and Minister of Education the Hon James Merlino. Other dignitaries who attended the opening included our Member for the District of Shepparton Ms Suzanna Sheed and the Member for Northern Victoria Mr Mark Gepp. Our Mayor Kim O’Keeffe and Deputy Mayor Anthony Brophy were also present. 

The Premier spoke about GSSC being the most significant educational project ever undertaken, so how lucky are our students to have the very best our State Government can offer. It is already inspiring our students to focus on their study. The future of education in Shepparton is very exciting. 

Our College Captains, Skyler Norton, Bethany Gray, Ella Rei Dunlop, Dante Sinclair-Dealy, Rowan Farren and Olivia Judd proved what great ambassadors they are for our College as they ably represented our student body. Bethany and Rowan spoke on behalf of all students, thanking the official party and other relevant people for their attendance and they then spoke about their aspirations for the future. We are very proud of all our College Captains.  


Thank you also to Jagamahra Weston & Isiah Hudson who performed the Smoking Ceremony and our Performers: Kesalini Muli, Caleb Taulapapa, Tara Tafaoga, Sharvanah Tafaoga & Josephine Pata for their part in the proceedings.

We have now turned another page in the exciting history of GSSC. I look forward to working with you to make GSSC a great school in 2022.


Best wishes,


Barbara O’Brien

Executive Principal


Leadership Team

Greater Shepparton Secondary College