House Cup 2021

Since 2015, each year points awarded to students for their participation and excellence in our extra-curricula program. These activities include the AAFC, Aerobics, Debating, Environment, Leadership, Performing Arts, Philanthropy, Rowing, Sport, SRC and STEAM. Points are also awarded for VCE Results, Mock Job Interviews, Language Competitions, Maths Competitions, Writing Competition, History Challenge, 10000 steps, Public Speaking, Model UN, Mathletics, Lego League, Science Competitions, Tech Girls Competition and excursions for STEAM. Attending clubs around the school also earns points for the student’s House.


Points are tallied and progress results posted regularly on the School’s TV Network as well as on Instagram and in the school Newsletter. Student Leaders are encouraged to create opportunities within their portfolio for students to earn points. 

Previous Winners of the trophy have been: 


2015: Lyons;                             2016: Lyons;                            2017: Chisholm;

2018: Melba;                           2019: Lyons;                            2020: Chisholm.


The final scores for 2021 are:

Congratulations to Chisholm on their third win of the House Cup!

Points are now being collected for the 2022 Cup!