Senior School Report

Introducing the Senior School team 2022
The College continues to grow and expand, in 2022 the College will for the first time commence the delivery of VCE, VET and VCAL Programs. The growth in the provision of Senior school program has resulted in a significant expansion in the Senior School team. We are delighted to introduce the Senior School team below for 2022.
George Conway - Leading Teacher Senior School 2022
Hi ECSC students and families,
My name is George Conway and I am the Leading Teacher - Senior School. In my role I work with the Year 10 and 11’s to support their wellbeing and learning. I have enjoyed working with the senior students so far in Term 1. It has been great to see the Senior school students come back to school with a positive attitude and ready to embrace their learning.
Throughout the year, I will continue to work with the team to design and implement programs at senior school that caters for students to develop their skills and passions.
Koen, Ali and Steph are doing a posted note muscle and bone anatomy revision in Michaels VEC PE class.
Layne was completing an osmosis prac with potatoes in VCE biology
Sam Ritter Year 10 Coordinator 2022
This is my second year at Edgars Creek Secondary College, first year as the year 10 coordinator. This new role has already given me the opportunity to get to know our students more than I ever have before. It will be my job this year to liaise with the rest of the senior team, home group teachers, the wellbeing team, etc. regarding student engagement and wellbeing. I will be supporting staff and students through the school-wide positive behaviours framework.
My interests outside of school are sport, I play basketball on Monday nights and netball on Tuesday nights. I also love to socialise.
I look forward to continuing to develop positive working relationships with all of our year 10 students throughout the year and helping them to achieve their goals
Year 10 - Summit Adventure Camp March 15-16
The camp will focus on building your son/daughters personal leadership and will act as a critical foundation stone towards forming a cohesive and resilient year 10 group in preparation for the academic and personal challenges they will encounter in life and at Senior School.
The Adventure activities are used to build their capacity to work together as a team, whilst developing their individual leadership capacity to achieve their ambitions and aspirations. The program uses a combination of personal and team building activities, outdoor challenges and interactive goal setting workshops to take our students to their next level of personal leadership.
Book your place now to avoid disappointment.
Year 10 Information Night
The college held an Information Night for year 10 Parents & students on Wednesday February 16 to introduce the Senior School team, to outline the exciting program planned for year 10, 2022 and the expectations at Senior school including:
- Year 10 students must attend in full summer uniform unless undertaking PE.
- Attendance is expected to be 90-95%
- Year 10 students are not leave classes
- We introduced Liam Ward our new Leading Teachers Careers & Pathways.
- We introduced the Wellbeing team
- The year 10 camp
- How support your student
Introduction to the Wellbeing Team to support Senior school students 2022
Year 11 information Night
Introduction to Careers & Pathways office
The College held an Information Night for year 11 Parents & students on Wednesday February 23 to introduce the Senior School team, to outline the exciting program planned for Year 11 VCE, VCAL and VET in 2022 and the expectations at Senior school including:
- Year 10 students must attend in full summer uniform unless undertaking PE when they are required to change during the day
- Attendance is expected to be 90-95%
- The importance of providing Medical Certificates for all absences
- The importance of Year 11 students are not leave classes except during breaks
- We introduced Liam Ward our new Leading Teachers Careers & Pathways.
- We introduced the Wellbeing team
- The Career Pathway programs to support child's aspirations
- How support your student
- VCE and VCAL Assessments requirements, and the need for authentication of work including VCAA rules
- Structured Workplace learning for VCAL students
VCE Program Update
Leaders and teachers have been working together to develop sound assessment practices at the VCE and VCAL level that support students to succeed. In Year 11, a student must meet all of the key knowledge and skills required of the subject in order to gain a Satisfactory (S) result.
Teachers will deliver coursework throughout the unit and give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they have learnt in various ways in order to gain an ‘S’. Students will also complete School Assessed Coursework (SAC) or School Assessed Tasks (SAT) and receive feedback in the form of scores, percentages and teacher comments. Students who are not on track to gain an ‘S’ through their coursework or assessments will be supported by their teachers to continue to work towards a satisfactory result, following ECSC Senior School processes.
Teachers will | Students will | ||
How to support you child undertaking VCE
The college will provide a range of opportunities to provide students information, guest speakers, events and excursion.
Support in providing a suitable study space, sensible eating, adequate rest, good work life balance and encouragement.
Elevate Program
First Elevate session for 2022
On the 21st February, the Year 11 VCE students participated in their first Elevate Study Skills session. This session was facilitated by current high performing university students. The facilitators worked with the VCE students and to give the ECSC students practical advice on how the Year 11’s can improve their time management skills. Throughout this session, the Year 11 VCE students explored how to:
- Maximise motivation and prioritise their time
- Reduce and overcome procrastination
- Create study groups
- Create and follow a study planner
It was great to talk to and see the VCE students actively developing their study skills and asking the presenters about their current study’s and experiences while at secondary school. The VCE students will complete another Elevate study session in Term 4.
VET Update
The College is offering a range of VET programs to VCAL and VCE students at the Outer Northern Trade Training Centre (ONTTC). We have students enrolled in automotive, electrotechnology, plumbing, and building and construction. Students independently make their way to the centre, where they complete units of competencies - both practical and theoretical. Please note, enrolments are closed now.
Peter Lalor Vocational College
Students are enrolled in a range of courses including: retail cosmetics, salon assistant, health services, sport and recreation, allied health and kitchen operations.
VCAL Program
The subjects we have been doing are Numeracy, Literacy, PDS and WRS. In these subjects we learn about health and nutrition and research about healthy options and also plan school events. As our weeks progress we are learning new topics and skills to help us with our VET courses and future jobs. Our activities have morally boosted us to move on with year 11, we look forward to planning more staff vs student games and other activities. VCAL students also look forward to starting our work placements so we can get closer to our apprenticeships, and certificates as we get ready to graduate from school.
Structured Workplace Learning Overview
What is Structured Workplace Learning?
Victoria’s 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks are funded to coordinate Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) opportunities for school students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs including School Based Apprenticeships (SBATs), as part of their VCE or VCAL.
SWL is on-the-job training that allows school students to develop their work skills and understand employer expectations.
Work placements are incredibly valuable when it comes to seeking future employment. Students who undertake an SWL placement benefit in the following ways:
- They gain industry experience in a workplace setting
- They learn important skills related to their study
- The placement provides on-the-job training to support VET programs
- They can establish connections with employers
We are working closely with the Whittlesea Local Learning & Employment Network to provide SWL opportunities for our VCAL students aligned to their VET studies.
A representative of Whittlesea Hume LLEN will visit the College on Friday 4th March to work with our students on finding appropriate placements
Lunchtime Basketball - March 2
Congratulations to the VCAL students for organising a lunchtime game between staff and students. Jordyn Scott and Peter Saade refereed the game very fairly. The gender balance wasn't quite met to begin with, but Trish, Sarah and Jasmine stepped in for the staff, and Emelia for the students. Great shooting by Guled, Jackson & Daniel for the students and Ben, Chris and George.
Written by Senior School Team.