Middle School Report

Middle School
It has been a great start to the year for our Middle School Students who have been greeted with our new buildings and grounds and many familiar and new faces. Students have embraced and adapted well to finding their way around the college. We look forward to continuing to build our Middle School Program with the anticipation of more time onsite this year.
Thank you to our Middle School Students and Staff for a fantastic start to the year.
Phil Adams
Middle School Assistant Principal
Year 7
Thank you for all the amazing support we have been given from the parents of year 7 students. The students have started the year enthusiastically and respectfully. We are super proud of how well students are adjusting to the day-to-day life in secondary school. It was impressive to see them ‘master’ the combination locks within a day!
We are starting rewards for house point earners in the next few weeks which is really exciting for the students who have consistently shown the school values of Respect All, Embrace Learning, Inspire Yourself and Others and Show Inninative. We thank our students for the way that they have embraced our school values.
As we approach mid way through term 1 I wanted to alert parents that term 2 requires all students to wear the winter uniform. All students will need to wear a tie and blazer and the sports jacket is only to be worn with the sports uniform.
Quotes from students about their beginning to Year 7
“The new technology and resources that we use!” - Shivender Jaryal
“I have enjoyed the whole school overall and the staff and students are really nice” - Delisha Khakh
“I have liked using the lockers and having the freedom to go around the school and have new classrooms and teachers” - Aadi Mahajan
“Having friendly classmates and having new subjects such as drama, digital tech and food technology.” - Jiya Patel
Yr 7 Key Dates:
18th March -Cybersafety presentation by Victoria Police for all year 7 students
26th April -Yr 7 Day Camp to Lake Dewar. Please pay and consent via Compass by the 1st of April.
6th May -Yr 7 Immunisation. Please return immunisation forms ASAP
Year 8
The Year 8’s have started the year off well and are enjoying their new spaces in the Performing Arts Centre. They have shown the school values of Respect All by keeping their areas clean and tidy and encouraging their peers to Embrace Learning by arriving to classes on time with all their materials. We also want to thank the parents in supporting their children in their transition with having the correct school uniform available.
Key Dates:
Camp- May 16-18th
Year 9
Congratulations to Year 9 students on a smooth and positive transition to the start of the school year. It has been great to see the students begin their day in Homegroup in the Year 9 area and hear positive feedback about the students in their electives. We also want to congratulate the number of students that have had 100% attendance over the last four weeks of term.
Year 9 students have also started the fantastic opportunity of participating in a cooking program that supports the Whittlesea Food Collective. The students are making a variety of dishes that are given to people experiencing food insecurity. Each year nine homegroups will participate in this program throughout the year. We are very proud of the students for being able to contribute to our wider community. We are also looking forward to building the culture in Year 9 with some class v class sporting activities at lunch time.
The Year 9 students have also started the term off with completing the Morrisby Profiling as part of the My Career Insight Program. This gave the students the opportunity to complete a range of questions and quizzes that will provide students with possible jobs that match their abilities, interests and personality. Between 9th and 11th of March students will be sitting their 30 minute interviews to go over their results and report with an accredited career practitioner.
Important dates:
- 9th-11th March: My Career Insight interviews with Career Practitioner.
Written by
Middle School Team