Principal's Report

It has been a very smooth start to the academic year. The majority of the students have been well-equipped for school with all their materials and correct school uniform. “Know thy students” is one of the important messages that we have communicated to all staff. If every teacher can understand and become familiar with the starting point for each student in their class, then targeted differentiation and teaching can occur. ECSC has received funding in line with the current enrolment numbers for the Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Strategy (MYLNS) and the Tutor Learning Initiative Program (TLI). These strategies target students who are below the National benchmark for Literacy and Numeracy as well as students who did not display the learning growth, they should have achieved in 2020 - 2021.
In order to continue to maintain a high level of teacher professional learning and coaching the College has engaged the following educational consultants who come to the College to work with the teachers: Tom Campbell – Literacy/Writing -
Rob Park – Numeracy/Maths
Dan Petro – Classroom management and engagement strategies
Bronwyn Jones – Developmental Model of Assessment
As a DET school our focus across the year is to support our students in maximising learning growth in particular in reading, writing and Maths while helping all students understand how to socialise and behaviour in a positive manner after the last two years of interrupted learning. It has been so exciting to see students engage in lunchtime activities that include sport competition and training; Art club; Chess club; music; and senior study groups.
Stage 2 Building Update & Opening.
It was a long road but now both the Performing Arts Centre and Learning Community buildings are complete. The landscaping of the grounds and soccer pitch are still under construction; hopefully to be ready by the start of Term 2.
Works involving further outdoor sports equipment, extra seating, and downball courts will continue to occur over the next few months. As well as this ramps have been built to the Edgars road relocatable classrooms to improve access for all students. It is also exciting for the Epping North/Wollert community as our sports gym begins to be used on the weekend for basketball competition and possibly during the week in the evening for training. We are hoping to the canteen in operation for the beginning of Term 2 or as close to this as possible. I know this is what the students are very keen to see!
On the 15 February we welcome the Local Member of Thomastown, Hon Bronwyn Halfpenny to announce the completion of major construction at the College. I was very proud of some of our foundation students who nominated to attend the assembly. They have waited graciously and patiently over the last four years for all these facilities to be complete and I am so pleased they are able to experience all the facilities in their final two Senior school years at the College. Well done to Jovan and Fateh who presented at the assembly.
School Council Members 2021 - Thank you.
As we nearly complete the School Council nomination and election process for 2022 I wish to take the time to thank the 2021 School Council members for their time and energy.
Our School Council members for 2021 were:
Melanie Taimani (School Council President)
Mary Timotheou
Shahida Angullia
Glen Cowan
Anthony Asta
Chantelle Gianinotti
Cara Horner
Vivian Fatupaito
Apar Acharya
Siddu Nadempalli
I would especially like to thank outgoing members: Parent - Shahida Anguilla; DET Nominees - Chantelle Gianinotti; Anthony Asta; and our student Siddu Nadempalli.
Covid Safe Practices and RATs
We have now passed the halfway mark in Term 1. I am sure from conversations with your children you would be aware that some classes do not always have their regular teacher and may have other teachers or casual relief teachers. This will continue as the College manages both Covid safe work practices which includes staff isolation and personal leave. Like all schools in the area there may be times while we continue to manage Covid that the College will postpone school events and excursions. This is not something that we wish to do but we must be able to staff both the event and classes at school. Any changes will be communicated to students and families through Compass.
I thank you and encourage you to continue to call the College to inform us of a student positive Covid case. I know that many families have used the rapid antigen tests to help with this confirming this. If your child needs to collect the second box of tests, please ask them to visit the front office area. It is only by working together we can keep the school functioning and safe.
Engaging Families
The College has hosted three successful evenings so far this term. Despite the ongoing changes to the Covid practices expected in schools the College was opened for families who wished to walk through on Friday 11 February. The College was immaculate and the feedback that staff received in regards to both the facilities and teaching across the College was overwhelmingly positive. It was difficult to measure numbers as 250 people had registered via Eventbrite but the College also had a large number of families come through between 6.00 – 6.30 pm that were not registered. It made all of us to be able to move around the College, meeting families and appreciating the facilities. I would like to especially thank our Year 8 student, Ahmed Masri and his father who were our resident DJs, providing a great vibe for the afternoon and evening.
This was followed by two excellent Senior School information evenings. These evenings provide an opportunity for families to receive key information about the academic and extra curricula programs that Senior school students will experience across the year. It is also enables families to meet key staff members that can support students during this transition period between Middle and Senior school.
Joanne Camozzato
College Principal