Junior School 

From the Head of Junior School

Mr Ken Raven | Head of Junior School
Mr Ken Raven | Head of Junior School

“Where shall we start?” 

Such a great question posed by my colleague Mrs Turnor, the new Head of Senior School, as we discussed Assembly and Anchor themes for the Term ahead. “Well…” I began, “it’s a new school year so welcoming new and returning families to the school is important. How about we begin with ‘community’ as a theme?”. Mrs Turnor took a moment to carefully consider this response before asking me a series of thoughtful questions to probe further. Our theme refined further with each exchange until we felt we had landed on a core element that underpins why we value community – a sense of belonging.  


In the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) that guides all Australian schools on the teaching and learning approach for our youngest students it shares 'Belonging' as the first component for educators to establish with students and families. Personally, I think this approach resonates well with people of all ages and settings. 


We all feel valued when we have a sense of belonging to something and with others. 


Knowing we are in an environment where people care, listen, include, and support us provides the foundation to feeling safe and having the confidence to be our best and become who we aspire to be. 

Schools cultivate belonging in many ways depending on the age and stage of the student. At a whole school level this is achieved through inclusion in events, assemblies, inviting students to make contributions towards activities and spaces, wearing a uniform to build connection, sharing traditions and celebrating successes with each other. Then within each subschool there will be unique components appropriate to the age group, for example in the Junior School we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day because our students adore and value the connection between home and school. This is another foundational value from the EYLF that I wholeheartedly support – families are children’s first and most influential educators. 

At a classroom level, teachers cultivate a sense of belonging every day for students. Greeting students by their name each morning, displaying student work around the classroom, students sharing stories of their hobbies or holidays and celebrating special occasions together like birthdays and accomplishments. Again, knowing and valuing each individual student and their part within the broader community helps to foster a sense of belonging. 

So as we begin this new academic year together it feels fitting that we acknowledge the value we each bring to our school community and the sense of belonging that drives our being and becoming. I extend a warm welcome to the many new families who join our community this year, please feel comfortable contacting either your child’s classroom teacher or myself if you have any questions as you settle into the first term. To new colleagues in the Junior School, Ms Dempster teaching in Year Two; Mrs Le Roux and Mrs Bowey joining the Educational Assistants team, I wish you a fulfilling year ahead working with students, families and colleagues.     

And to Mrs Turnor, Head of Senior School, who inspired this article my sincerest best wishes to you in this new role, one I’m confident you will find immensely gratifying and our community will embrace warmly.


Best wishes for the year ahead,

Mr Ken Raven | Head of Junior School 

Parent Information Evening

Date and Time: Friday 11 February 5.00pm

Venue: Multi-Purpose Sport Complex, followed by classrooms


Next Friday 11 February, we invite all families to attend a parent information evening commencing at 5.00pm followed by the P&F Sundowner after 6.00pm. 


This year I would appreciate the opportunity to briefly speak with all Junior School families in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex at 5.00pm for 15 to 20min prior to classroom teachers speaking with parents in their respective rooms. There are some general Junior School themes, information and introductions I would like to share before class teachers work through more specific information tailored to their classes. We will maintain the COVID Safe practices within the gym and classroom settings. 


For families unable to attend, session notes will be uploaded to MyGSG in the Junior School Documents page within each cohort folder. Also a recorded slide deck from the introductory session in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex will be uploaded to MyGSG class folders also. 


This year, recordings and summary notes will be provided for as many events and activities as practicable in recognition of the work commitments and travel challenges many families experience in our community. Throughout the year if you have any difficulties accessing this information please make contact with either myself or your child's classroom teacher so we can provide further support.