From the Head of Campus' Desk 


As we head into my favourite season of the year, spring, it is good to take a moment to think about what we can learn from the changing of the season. The first thing that comes to mind is that God is faithful. As we enjoy spring do you need to be reminded that we have a faithful God? Perhaps it has been a challenging year and life might have been anything but consistent for you. Isn’t it good to be reminded that God is the same yesterday, today and forever? That his faithfulness is ever the same and we can rely on him as our firm foundation. 


As I walk our dogs and see the trees and plants coming into bloom and everything looking fresh and new, I am reminded of God’s mercy. The newness reminds me of Lamentations 3 22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning.” There is never a time that God’s mercy is out of season, it never dries or shrivels up. It is new to us with every passing day.


It is a good time to plant new trees and plants as spring is a good time to get them established and grow. It is the same for us in our spiritual life as well. Now is the season for spiritual growth. The Bible often uses the metaphor of plants growing to symbolize spiritual growth in our life. In what ways are we seeking God for growth in our lives? I pray that for each of our families you experience a sense of the presence of God and his guiding hand in your lives as we head into spring. 


Jason Burgess

Head of Campus