NBC Alumni

2022 Alumni Program Wrap Up

‘Do you feel like you experienced discrimination in your career, growing up in this neighbourhood?’ 

That was a question asked by one of our students to an Alumni guest in a session that ran this year, a question that highlighted what a unique and valuable program this is.

Our Alumni guest speakers might have taken a variety of career pathways, and in differing professions, but they all grew up in the same neighbourhood, and community, and have therefore been relatable, yet aspirational, role models for our students.

There have been some common threads in the Alumni who have gone onto successful careers. Each have worked very hard and often site the importance of a mentor, or teacher. Additionally, Alumni who have achieved much in their careers have all displayed adaptability, for when things didn’t go to plan.

We have run Alumni panel sessions with different year levels and in each session, our students have been engaged, asking relevant and thought-provoking questions to our Alumni guest speakers, with some students waiting until the end to approach an Alumni on a personal level afterwards.

Reflecting over the sessions during the year, it’s been an excellent start of our Alumni program. 

Alumni Activities Term 4

VCAL Step Up

We welcomed back Nicole Makin-Doherty and Luke McConachy to speak to our VCAL cohort in their VCAL Step Up week. Both guests are business owners, and passionate about their industries.


Career Panel Sessions

To compliment the year 7 + year 8 curriculum, focussing on finding work, we held three different alumni panel sessions at our Wexford, Hendy and Peacock campus.

Inviting back Steph Whale and Joshua Barling to our Wexford Campus, Louise Goodwin, Kristie Robertson and Bec Koeleman to our Peacock Campus, and Cameron Forbes and Tony Harvey to our Hendy Campus, our students received first-hand advice on writing a resume, applying for jobs and real-life stories on navigating a career path from our Alumni.


Other Alumni sessions throughout the year

It’s rewarding to match individual Alumni skills and wisdom in classroom or assembly. We have had enthusiastic and kind Alumni who have given their time in a variety of settings such as:

  • Student mentors
  • Holding an exhibit in our STEAM Expo
  • Hosting Dance, Photography and Woodwork workshops
  • NAIDOC Week speaker
  • Offering work experience to our students

Thank you

To the Northern Bay Challenge committee, for their generous support of the Alumni program.

Keep in touch

To follow the Alumni program, please join us on one of the below channels, and if you know of any Alumni who would like to join our database, we’d love to hear from them. 

Email: alumni@nbc.vic.edu.au.

Alumni Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/Northern-Bay-College-and-Schools-Alumni-108962595081117/

LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12642026/

You can also follow us through our NewsletterLINK.