Our Challenge Committee

We'd like to put a spotlight on our Committee Members to celebrate the wealth of knowledge and passion that drives The Northern Bay Challenge. 

This Newsletter we introduce you to Keith Fagg and Kerry Woodman....

Keith Fagg  OAM  B. Ec. (Hons) MAICD

Before joining the family business Fagg’s Mitre 10 in 1984, Keith worked in various research and business administrative roles after completing university, including three years in the Northern Territory. 


As a Director of Fagg Bros. since 1984, Keith’s responsibilities in the company’s hardware and timber business included retail operations, staff management, marketing and community engagement. 

Keith has been and is involved in many community organisations and served as Geelong’s first directly elected Mayor 2012-13. Keith is also a Nationally Accredited Mediator and has worked with the Department of Justice in this role since 2007.

Keith’s mother was a secondary English teacher, so he understands the critical importance of every student being enabled to reach their full potential in education, career and life in general. The Northern Bay Challenge seeks to do just that. 


Kerry Woodman 


A 30 year member of the Kardinia Rotary Club - which supports the Northern Bay College Family Learning Centre, Early Learning Centre and numerous College annual awards, Kerry is also a retired accountant.

He is a past Member and Chairman of the Sacred Heart College Council, Past Member and Chairman of the Sacred Heart College Scholarship, Committee Member and current Treasurer of Humans in Geelong Inc. Kerry is now a proud, supportive and active member of The Northern Bay Challenge.