From Marie

TERM 1 - Marie Beale

60th Anniversary

Back in 1963 Mullum Primary School opened its doors to the local community.  Sixty years down the track we have a thriving school community that is ready to celebrate.  In Term 4 this year we are wanting to plan a special event for current and past families.  I am looking for any people out there who would love to join me in planning this event.  I propose we meet together to brainstorm some ideas and get the ball rolling.  If this sounds like something you would like to do, or you know someone who may be interested, join me after assembly on Friday 3 March, around 9:15am.  


Fundraising Pavers

Leading into the 60th Anniversary we are providing an opportunity for families to create a lasting reminder of their time here at Mullum Primary School by creating a paver that will be used to create a central courtyard area and can be visited for many years to come.  On Monday next week we will be sending home a Fundraising Paver form that provides families with options to have a paver made.  There are hand drawn and printed versions available.  At the end of March we will get these bricks made and during Term 3 have them installed.  We really hope you can all join in creating this permanent reminder.



          Hand drawn paver - $35          Family (2 pavers) - $65            Single paver - $35



Visit from Will Fowles MP

On Tuesday the State Member for Parliament, Will Fowles, visited our school and took a tour with our school captains, Jai and Mavis.  Our School Captains did a great job of While Will was visiting we took the opportunity to talk to him about the need for a new playground and he was very keen to support our school going forward.  




Time set aside for Wellbeing

Thursday afternoons at 1:50, is a designated time in the week to focus on wellbeing. We have a range of activities on during the term:

  • Kooramook - Three times during the term, all students move to their Kooramook group, a mixed group of Foundation to Grade 6 students, and join in a range of activities that focus on developing friendships across the school, a time to practice care and support for each other.  This term we will be focusing on the character strength - bravery.
  • Bush Talk - A group of ten  Grade 5 & 6 students each term come together to undertake Bush Talk.  This program is in its third year and provides opportunity for students to develop their social and emotional competence alongside fostering a deeper connection to nature, using traditional skills like whittling, navigation, making cordage, fire craft and safety, weaving etc..
  • Nelson Time - With our new Chaplain, Nelson, we have developed a new program called Nelson Time.  This is an opportunity for two students, from each Grade 3-6 classroom, to come together, play games, sing or listen to inspiring songs and music, practice mindfulness, undertake a weekly challenge to focus on a wellbeing practice like being grateful or being brave.

Photograph Permissions

There has been some confusion over the photographic permission form.  The form is an opt out form and only needs to be returned if you do not want your child photographed. Kate in the office is working with families who have already returned forms and determining if it really was your intention for your child not to be photographed.



The school day starts with a bell at 8:55am.  This is the signal for students to make their way to the classroom, hang up their bag and be seated in their classroom by 9:00am ready to start their lessons.  Teachers begin instruction at 9:00.  We have noticed an increase in the number of students who are coming in up to 30min late.  For most students their days start with literacy so students coming in late are missing a significant amount of instruction and practice time.  We encourage you to have your children here at school before 8:55.  If this is difficult for you and your child, for any reason, please come in for a chat and see what ways we can help.


2024 Foundation Tours

We have started our group and individual tours for families that have a child starting school in 2024.  If you have friends, neighbours or other members of your family that woudl like to tour and see our school in action, then please ask them to call the office and book a time.


Hungry for Success

A canteen service is available to all families each Friday.  We are very proud of our partnership with the local organisation, Hungry for Success, a social enterprise organisation from Glen Park Community Centre, in Bayswater North. Their mission is to  "create a strong, connected community - free from poverty, isolation and injustice, where every person has access to food, housing, social and economic participation, lifelong learning and support."  A mission we are very pleased to support.


When you order a lunch through Hungry 4 Success® you make it possible for this organisation to provide essential support services in the local community.  Lunch orders are collected on Thursday morning and lunches delivered hot to school on Friday, ready to devour.  Your support of this enterprise is much appreciated by Glen Park.  


Check out their website to read more about the work they do:


Unwell children

If your child is unwell, we ask that you keep them at home until they are better. Some illnesses like gastroenteritis, where there is vomiting and diarrhea, require a student to remain home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and diarrhea.  Please use Compass to register any illness.