From the Principal 

Week 2 Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Parent Teacher Interviews

I hope all parents took the opportuntity to share information with their child's teacher  on Tuesday evening. These intial parent /teacher interviews help establish relationships and forms of communication.


Yr 5/6 Camp

Next week the Yr 5/6 student will be on camp in Canberra. The camp forms part of their Civic and Citizenship unit of work. 

I will be attending camp along with the Yr 5/6 teachers  Mr Price and some parents.  Larissa will be in charge during my absence.

This year parents will be attending the camp as part of our supervision requirements. These parents have a responsibility to  the students  so I ask that you do not contact these parents whilst they are on camp. Parents have been provided with my number in case of an emergency.


CyberSafety Evening

A huge thank you to Mr Justin McFarlane for organising the first of our two cyber safetyevenings last night. All those in attendance would agree that Kate Wilde ( the presenter) was engaging  and challenged all of  us in our thinking around cyber safety. The Yr. 3/4 evening will be held next Monday evening commencing at 6.30pm.


Opening Year School Mass

Our Opening Year School mass is tomorrow at 9.15am. This will be followed by morning tea. All parents are welcome to attend.


Phones and Smartwatches

Some reminders

  • Use of mobile phones by students during school hours is NOT permitted. Smart watches that have the ability to make or receive calls are NOT permitted to be used by students to make or receive calls/messages at school.
  • Parents are able to contact their children by calling the school phone number 88514651. If necessary, students can contact parents from the office phone if urgent.
  • Smart phone, smart watch, notification alerts and location must be switched off. Phones and watches are not to be used to call home in an emergency. This is the duty of the school. Phones and watches are not to be used to call home in the event of a mishap at school or because belongings have been forgotten etc. Parents will be informed of any events that have impacted on their child. 
  • Phones and watches are not to be used in the classroom, playground or incursion/excursion for any of the following purposes; check text messages, access games, the internet, images, the camera or videos.


Fee Accounts 2023

Fee accounts were sent home on Tuesday.  Please check your child's bag if you have not retrieved the invoice yet.  Payment via Credit Card or Bpay is preferred.

If you wish to have the fees processed automatically on the due date, please return the credit card slip to the office, signed and stating this request.

Prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.



Please see attached to the newsletter today details of criteria for claiming CSEF Funding.

If you hold an eligible card please complete an application form, available at the office, and return to the office as soon as possible.


Have  a great week
