Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team

Opening School Mass

A whole school Mass was held on Thursday 16th February, to mark the opening of the 2023 school year. Celebrated by Fr Chris Jenkins, SJ, the focus for the Mass was the Loreto Year of Justice. Student leaders from both the senior and junior school, confidently led the readings and processions. During the Mass, our new Eucharistic Ministers of Communion were blessed before helping with the distribution of Communion for the first time. At the conclusion of the Mass, the Year 12 students received their badges and made a pledge to honour their roles as School leaders for the good of the Loreto community.


Induction of Junior School Leaders

On Monday 13th February, a liturgy was held for the induction of the Junior School leaders. The girls received badges from Principal, Dr Nicole Archard, acknowledging their roles as Prayer, Liturgy, SRC, House and Social Justice Leaders. Parents were able to attend this liturgy and it was a wonderful way to begin our Monday morning liturgies which take place weekly at 8.30am.


Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Our Ash Wednesday Liturgy was held in our beautiful gardens.  Students and staff gathered in our beautiful gardens to observe Ash Wednesday, one of the most significant days in our Liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40- day Lenten period in which they will make time to pray, give alms (charity) and fast. During our liturgy we were invited to reflect on how we can transform the lives of others through action, deed and word in our year of Justice.  We were inspired by the invitation to live out the words of Mary Ward and be ‘Seekers of truth and Doers of Justice’.  


Embracing Justice at Loreto College 

Peace and Justice Group 

Influenced by one of our school’s mottos, Be Seekers of Good and Doers of Justice - Mary Ward 1585-1645, the Peace and Justice Group meets every second Tuesday to 

  • raise awareness of issues in the community which are not in balance with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching
  • provide students with the opportunity to be involved in the promotion of works of peace and justice
  • to coordinate collections and drives for organisations providing for people in need
  • to grow our social enterprise skills in the first instance by making things to sell for profit
  • to create living displays to raise awareness for special times in the year.

I invite you to visit for further details about what the group does 


Flipping Pancakes for Project Compassion

Throughout this term, members of the Peace and Justice Group and Student executive in the Senior and Junior School will focus on assisting in the coordination and fundraising efforts of Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. The theme of Project Compassion 2023 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generations to come.


Pancakes were baked and sold on Shrove Tuesday with all proceeds going to this Appeal.  It was a great way to begin this fundraising season with long queues lining up to buy delicious fresh pancakes with a variety of toppings.  Thank you to the Peace and justice group, the year 12 Student leaders, the Year 6 classes, supported by Social Justice Leaders for a wonderful community gathering and an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate than us.


By donating to Project Compassion, Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, can work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.  Look out for more fundraising initiatives throughout the season of Lent.