Learning Across the ELC

Conversations about Coffee

Conversations about coffee have been emerging from pretend play in the Banksia mud kitchen. Children have been making coffees for their peers and for the educators too. One of our Banksia Gold children asked, "do we have real coffees at this school?” This immediately sparked an idea to take the children on a fun adventure walk across to the senior school to visit the new 'Felicity Café'. 


The children greatly enjoyed this adventure walk as we saw and spoke about all the different classrooms we came across and the buildings and people they haven't seen before. Connecting children to our whole school is vital for their sense of belonging, to ensure that they feel a part of and connected to the Loreto community.

Ms Ollie Lauder

ELC Teacher

Activities in Wattle

Children's continual interest in exploring and discovering various natural resources, we invited them to create their own art collages using contact paper and natural resources collected from our nature garden, the Indigenous garden at St. Omar loan, and the Garden patch, where we saw a variety of colourful flowers and tomatoes of different sizes and colours. 


We discussed the process together and asked the children what materials they would like to use. The children suggested collecting leaves, flowers, and even small rocks. Some were keen participants and couldn't wait to work with the sticky texture. 


The  children helped set up the space ready to design their own individual collage. We discovered that if you touch the sticky side of the contact paper with your hands, it can stick to your skin and become a bit tricky to reposition.

With the educators' assistance, we learned that we had to gently and carefully position the materials onto the contact paper. 


Some children were also eager to peel off leaves and flowers and reposition them in different spaces, demonstrating deep concentration and focus on their task. They each engaged in purposeful play while learning about spatial awareness through evaluating their art pieces and making space for additional materials. Some children used the entire space, while others enjoyed placing the objects in specific areas.

Ms Manasi Kewlani

ELC Team Leader