Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

Welcome Back

A huge welcome back to everyone. I hope the holidays were a bit restful and that everyone is a little recharged. 

A very special welcome to our new prep students and parents. Hopefully, you will all enjoy your time in our Rollins community. Please feel free to make contact with us anytime and we will support you in any manner we can as you merge into our school community.

Many thanks to all our current parents who have been so supportive as we move back into the school year. It is great to see our students here on time, ready to start learning right at 9am and all dressed in school uniform. Please remind your child / children to go to the toilet before school begins.

New Staff

We have a new staff member who is joining us this year. I know she will love our school and contribute in numerous ways to support our parents and students.

Emily Barnett - Classroom teacher Grade ¾. Congratulations and welcome to Rollins. 


The canteen has reopened this week and will operate on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Icy poles will be on sale on Tuesday and Thursdays when there is no canteen. 

2023 Parent Agreement/Permissions

Please be aware that your consent is required for various aspects of your child's schooling. These are annual permissions (e.g. Photos, local excursions etc) that we require for all children and are now available by logging onto Compass for each child.


  • Go into COMPASS
  • Select “More”
  • Open in Browser
  • Top righthand corner in green

Congratulations- Leadership Positions 2023

School Captains- Evie W and Jack R

School Vice Captains- Aleksia K and Amelia S


House Captains

Lucas NY and Deliah W (Perridak)

Nisa M and Madi S (Kawirr)

Riley A and Gurshan G (Lelon)

Sha E and Ethan G (Barnong)




LELON - Green



These students will be presented with their badges at our first assembly. Parents welcome.

Congratulations to all our elected leaders.

School Council Elections

Our first School Council meeting will be on Monday 20th March 2023.We have several parents whose term of office was completed at the end of 2022.We now seek expressions of interest for the 5 vacant parent positions (4x2 years and 1x1 year). Please contact the office for the various nomination forms.  They will be available on Monday 13th February. Nominations will close at 4pm on Monday 20th February at 4pm. There will be nomination reminders posted around the school. Please contact the office if you would like more information.


The first formal school assembly will be on Monday 13th February - this year it has changed to a Monday so we can accommodate specialists lessons across the school. Most of our specialists only work part-time and to ensure that every students is able to be involved in these specialist classes, it has become necessary to swap the assembly day. We are fully aware that this will impact Batesford students and are making arrangements for them to be involved via streaming and additional assemblies with myself or Daniel Chittenden (Acting AP). We will chat further to the Batesford parents next week. 

Assembly will be held in the BER @ 3:00pm and families are welcome.

Class Captains

Class Captains Semester 1 

Congratulations to our Class Captains for  Semester 1. You should be extremely proud being elected by the peers in your grade. We do not have grade captains in Prep until Semester 2.



Prep A


Prep B


Prep C



Knox G


Piper C


Ruby M


Ruby K


Will Mc


Mack E


Asya K


Adara M & Hamish S


Jayden H


Summah F


Henry Mc