Student Highlights

Students Of The Week ~Week 5 Term 1

for Attitude, Values and Study Habits 


K-2 ~ Frank Plevey (Year 1)

for perseverance in all class tasks.


Yr 3-6 ~ Lucy Furner (Year 5)

for always offering help to friends and teachers.


LWLW Principal's Award ~ Elsie Groves (Year 2)

for trusting our friends and teachers.


Congratulations to these students on their achievement!


Absent: Elsie Groves
Absent: Elsie Groves

Class Assembly Items ~ Aspects of Student Learning

Week 5 ~ Year 6

Last week in the primary room Year 5 have were writing Narratives about “A Messy Situation”. They enjoyed sharing these stories with the parents at assembly on Friday.   


We hope you enjoyed the orientation of our narratives!!



Weekly Class Assembly Items Timetable

Please find below the timetable for the year that will present items at the weekly assembly each Friday. 


Week 6 (3 March) - Year 4

Week 7 (10 March) - Year 3

Week 8 (17 March) - Year 2

Week 9 (24 March) - Year 1

Week 10 (31 March) - Kinder


Everyone is invited to come along to our assemblies and enjoy what our students are learning in class.