AP Report

with Sarah Laidlaw


There have been a few reports about vaping here at school.  Vaping is prohibited at schools and all government buildings.  If students are found vaping at school, there will be contact home and appropriate follow up will occur.  Students will also be given a pack of information about the dangers of vaping.  


All vapes will be confiscated and parents will need to pick them up if they want them back, we will not be able to give it back to the student, regardless of age, due to our duty of care.   


Police Liaison Officer

The school will be engaging our Police Liaison Officer this term to present talks and information about many topics.  These topics include, online behaviour, bullying, consent, sexting, revenge porn.  Not all talks will be presented to all year levels.  When these presentations are confirmed there will be an email out to parents to inform them of the content topics that will be covered. If parents are concerned about the topics being covered and do not wish their young person to attend, please let the school know and we can arrange a space for them elsewhere during the presentations.  



Unfortunately, there has been some reports to the school about issues in the toilets.  To combat these issues, we are taking the entrance doors off both the gendered bathrooms.  There is still privacy due to a wooden alcove in the entrance to the bathrooms, however, if there are students that are not comfortable using these facilities, are two other toilets available in the school, in the First Aid room and the unisex toilet next to the social staffroom.  Teacher visits to the student bathrooms has increased and will continue, to move students out of that space when they are not using the facilities.     



Hats must be worn outside; this includes for PE/Sport and break times.  Hats must be a brimmed hat (no caps) and not have any logos inappropriate for school, such as alcohol, drugs, or any other offensive material.  Students can borrow hats from the AP office if needed and returned when they are finished using them, however it is important for all students to have their own hat labelled with their name.   

NB:  It does not have to be a MBSC labelled hat. 



Due to not having a Wellbeing person at the school we have engaged with Headspace in Schools.  This service provides school visits and over the phone consultations with students during the school day.  Students will be consulted prior to a referral being made.  



All students are encouraged to tell a trusted adult here at school if there are any concerns or worries.  If they are not sure who to talk to their Year Level Coordinator is the best person to help.  If parents are concerned about anything, please call or email us so that we are aware and can act.