Writing and Spelling
Students will develop their understanding of ‘Sustained’ writing. They will also create a personalised Writing goal, utilising our Whole School Approach, VOICES. We will be focusing on Recount writing through the lens of enriching vocabulary and understanding structure and features. They will engage in a variety of rich learning experiences, including, but not limited to: outdoor games, swimming lessons and craft activities that they will recount. Students will consider the order in which the events occurred, and how they can “hook” their audience in, ensuring their writing is interesting. During the second half of term, students will begin writing their own narratives. They will consider the characters, setting, events, problem and solution of their narrative. Students will experiment with a range of language devices such as adjectives to ensure their writing is descriptive and appropriate for their intended audience.
Spelling will include the explicit teaching of spelling generalisations, regular Spelling Inquiry sessions, and personalised spelling lists for Home Learning. In classrooms, students will be exposed to a range of spelling rules and transfer new vocabulary into their writing pieces. Spelling Inquiry will focus on delving into the meaning of words; enriching students’ understanding of the English language.
To support your child’s Writing learning at home:
- Encourage your child to create and make regular entries in a diary
- Involve your child in authentic writing opportunities, for example, creating a shopping list, sending postcards while on holiday, writing emails or letters to relatives, etc.
- Celebrate their writing pieces at home, to boost their confidence and passion- you may even like to write with them!