Students will strengthen their understanding of a ‘mindful reader’ by developing classroom expectations and routines, which will set them up for success in their learning. They will explore the ‘Five Finger Rule’ strategy, enabling them to select ‘Good Fit’ books independently. Students will engage in collaborative learning conferences to determine a personalised CAFE Reading Goal and discuss a range of strategies to apply and achieve success through. They will delve deeper into the Level One CAFE strategies and explore how working on these will develop their reading overall; Comprehension (understanding the book), Accuracy (reading words correctly), Fluency (reading smoothly and with flow) and Expand Vocabulary (learning new words). Aligning with our Writing program, students will explore and analyse the features of recounts and narratives; considering the structure and language used in each text type. This will support their writing, while also broadening the texts they engage with, thus developing their comprehension, fluency and vocabulary skills.
To support your child’s Reading and Viewing learning at home, you could:
- Listen to your child read a book (their take home reader) for at least 20 minutes each day and encourage them to record this in their Reading Diary
- Utilise ‘Reading Eggs,’ which contains a variety of texts, lessons and learning tasks (their login details are in their Reading Diary).
- Strengthen your child’s comprehension by asking them to retell the main events in the book, in the order in which they occurred
- Ask your child to make explain possible reasons for different events in the text, such as: “Why do you think the character was crying on the second page?”