Banksia Group Term 1, 2023

Kirsty, Amy and Rex

The children have done a great job settling into the routine of the sessions and being the sessions are the same length the routine is very similar both days. We have been busy with lots of activities and getting to know each other. 


As a group we have been talking a lot about kindness, feeling safe, and rules for being at kinder. This is something we talk about every session, either incidentally throughout the day or when we are all together on the mat, as a planned discussion. We always refer back to using kind words and kind hands, and how we can feel safe at kinder together.


We have begun doing some cooking together which the children enjoyed, banana bread, and also making some toast. The children enjoyed the process of buttering their toast and sitting together to eat it or some opted to take it home. Cooking provides opportunities for fine motor skills and strength building, maths, science, waiting and turn taking, and communication plus it fosters a sense of community across the group as they share things they have made together.


The Melbourne Museum visited with the Dinosaur incursion which the children really enjoyed. They did some amazing listening and waiting and also were great at offering their own dinosaur knowledge throughout the incursion.


We have spent some time talking and sharing about families, who is in our families and what makes up a family, and how all families can be different. We have also been drawing families and reading stories.


We have been enjoying some music and movement together, playing movement games such as the bean game. We are enjoying songs such as ‘Highway number 1, wash your face with orange juice, Inanay (an Indigenous song) with clapping sticks, and Mrs Bunny.




Kirsty, Amy and Rex