Boronia Group Term 1, 2023
Yvonne, Alyson, Anne and Rex.
Boronia Group Term 1, 2023
Yvonne, Alyson, Anne and Rex.
An adventurous start into 3-year-old Kindergarten 2023!
The children have adjusted well into their new kindergarten room. Learning to take those first big steps in developing their independence and life skills – bags into lockers, water bottles on the drinks trolley, and washing hands. As with many new environments and beginnings, adjusting has taken time. As a group as a whole, we have begun to learn more about each other – what our interests are, our curiosity, our strengths, and the play spaces that we find intriguing.
Part of starting our journey, has been on creating a sense of belonging; feeling safe and secure at kinder. We introduced a sign on the picture wall this term. This has given the children space and place to put their photos on the wall when they arrive at kinder, providing the children with a sense of ownership and belonging.
During our weekly sessions, the children have had the opportunity to explore and learn through a variety of spaces both indoors and outdoors. Sensory play in areas such as the mud kitchen; dry creek, water play, and, play dough; using our hands and fingers to paint and explore colours. Role play has allowed us to develop our language and communication skills, creativity, and imagination skills.
This term our roleplay areas have included the home corner / restaurant and hairdressers. As their confidence has grown, so has the interactions between the peer group. Outside in the yard, gaining confidence in climbing and attempting the various climbing frame set-ups; balancing equipment and caterpillar boards; water play, and the engineering wall. Investigating around the yard using the magnifying glasses to discover various bugs, flowers, and plants in the yard. Even observing how we look big and small when looking through the lenses. Establishing daily transition routines by playing games such as the rainbow ring, coloured dice, and matching socks before we go and wash our hands for mealtimes. We have had a lot of fun telling stories using the magnets on the boards and the puppets. Storytime and action song time have been one of our favourite times of the kinder week. All the children have grown in their own individual way and space this term, and we are excited for the year ahead.
A few housekeeping reminders for your return for Term 2:
It has been a wonderful start to the year and a great first term. Have a lovely holiday break – safe travels and journeys.
Yvonne, Alyson, Anne and Rex