Waratah Group Term 1, 2023
Louise, Tina, and Alice.
Waratah Group Term 1, 2023
Louise, Tina, and Alice.
To all our new families and families returning in 2023 - welcome!
During the first few weeks of Term 1, we spend time getting to know your children and building on your goals from the Child Questionnaires to set new goals for each child and the group as a whole. We do this based on our observations, the children’s interests, their needs, and developmental stages.
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) has 5 outcomes Identity, Community, Well-being, Learning, and Communication. This framework underpins all that we do and is reflected in our planning of the program and individual learning plans and when assessing children’s learning
The experiences we set up and the routine, provide opportunities for learning, for example, counting in a numeracy game or literacy skills in an office role-play area. They also encourage the use and development of social skills, taking turns, entering existing play, engaging in reciprocal conversations, working collaboratively, listening to, and respecting others, and Executive Processing skills- cognitive flexibility (mental flexibility), working memory, and inhibitory control (self-control). We intentionally plan for the development of these skills throughout the year and often opportunities arise for learning through spontaneous “teachable moments”.
Experiences we have enjoyed this term include – the Melbourne Museum Dinosaur incursion, making Fossils, looking at the new worms for the worm farm and their properties, etc, Buddy time, using Indigenous symbols as provocations for painting, sensory including ice and slime, watch a caterpillar morph into a chrysalis then a butterfly, plant parsley seeds and much more!
Group time happens every session and it takes many forms! We always start with our Acknowledgment of Country. We introduce this concept by talking about the first people of Australia, how they have looked after the land for many years, and how we need to acknowledge, respect, and thank them for this and continue to do so ourselves.
We have a “helping hand” each session. Their tasks include ringing the 5-minute bell, putting out the face/name cards , and dispersing the group from group time to snack time. These transition activities include shape matching, number matching, name labels, colour matching, colour games and so on - there are always opportunities for learning throughout the session!
Discussions and experiences we have had at group time so far include safe behaviour in the kinder, using kind words and phrases to express our needs, number of songs/rhymes, learning the names of the group members, how we can join in play, the importance of belonging and being part of the group, consent, and personal space, singing, crossing the midline exercises celebrating birthdays and so much more! These concepts/experiences are embedded in our program and are themes we revisit often.
We record some of the learning from the session using photos and recording on the whiteboard. This information is sent via School Stream. Each child has a portfolio in their kinder room that they have access to. These contain photos of them engaged in the learning areas and experiences in the program and any artwork they may choose to put in there. We add to these throughout the year. They are kept on the shelf in the book area and are available for families and the children at all times. They are a great tool for children to reflect on their time at kindergarten and also prompt conversations on the learning they have been engaged in.
We are always available to have a chat about your child if you need and can make time after the sessions for these or feel free to email.
Louise, Tina, and Alice.