School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix

School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix 

What is SWPBS?

School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings our school community together to develop a positive, safe and supportive learning culture.

SWPBS is an evidence based framework which is used in schools worldwide. When implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Staff and students benefit from:

  • Increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • Increased time focused on instruction
  • Improved social and emotional wellbeing
  • Positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • A predictable learning environment

The SWPB Matrix

Our SWPB Matrix has been developed over the last 12 months, with input from leadership, staff and students. This matrix underpins our expectations of students at Buninyong Primary School. The matrix will be displayed prominently throughout the school, and clearly states the behaviours we expect of our students in all settings within the school. The behaviour expectations have been grouped in accordance to our school values of Respectful, Responsible and Kind. Teachers will explicitly teach the positive behaviours expectations to their students, just as we teach other areas of the curriculum. 

Buninyong Barometer

The Buninyong Barometer has been developed as the continuum of response for behavioural mistakes that do not align with our SWPB matrix. The Barometer is displayed in every classroom in a visible location and the process is taught explicitly to the students so they are aware of what the teacher’s response will be when a behavioural mistake occurs. An implementation guide has been created below that outlines the continuum of response for when students are not demonstrating our school expectations. 


This helps to make it clear to students, staff and families what actions occur when a behaviour mistake is made, and what supports are offered to teach and improve behaviour moving forward.