What’s happening in Maths

Year 7

Welcome to our Year 7 students. Maths in Year 7 uses Maths Pathway. This is an online program that provides individual modules of study that have been developed to suit the needs of each student. Students are able to work on mathematical concepts at their level of understanding. They complete a variety of activities, including bookwork (displaying/communicating their methods of grasping and solving mathematical concepts), as well as group activities designed to enrich their understanding. Students are supported to develop their problem solving skills, independent learning and group work skills, as well as developing a growth mindset towards their overall learning. Your child is able to give you a general tour of how the Pathway program works. 


As part of the Kildare focus on numeracy, students are encouraged to complete Maths homework. With Maths Pathway we are suggesting 15-20 minutes after each lesson. Students are also able to use Homegroup Coaching in the morning to work on their Maths activities.


Please watch this video for more information: HERE.

Year 8

Welcome back to Year 8 students. This Year students continue to work on their maths using Maths Pathway. The program has a two week cycle where students generally complete six modules of work followed by an individualised test and then an opportunity for reflection and feedback. In order to complete the six modules per cycle students are required to do 15-20 minutes of homework after each lesson. Students also have access to “Sumdog” - another online program that allows the practice of basic numeracy skills in a fun way.  

Students are tested each fortnight on the work they have chosen to complete.

To master a module they have to get 100% on a written and online test.

They can access their previous cycle and show you their

  • Effort- a percentage based on completing 6 modules a cycle.
  • Growth- a percentage based on mastering 3 modules a cycle. 100% equates to a year’s growth in a year.
  • Accuracy- a percentage based on the mastery in the test.

As part of the Kildare focus on numeracy, students are encouraged to complete Maths homework. With Maths Pathway we are suggesting 15-20 minutes after each lesson. Students are also able to use Homegroup Coaching in the morning to work on their Maths activities.

Year 9

Welcome back Year 9. Maths in Year 9 breaks into three different pathways based on student understanding of maths at the end of Year 8. These pathways are;

  •  5.3 - which is an algebra based pathway which traditionally leads students to Advanced and Extension maths, which are more Calculus based courses, in stage 6.
  • 5.2 - which focuses on financial mathematics and measurement and traditionally leads students to Standard Maths in Stage 6.
  • 5.1 -  which is designed to further develop students' basic maths skills and prepare them for Numeracy or Standard Maths in Stage 6. 

Your student should be able to tell you which pathway of maths they are currently doing. These different pathways are reported within the cohort, this is different to previous years where the whole year group was reported together. This may mean that your student receives a different grade, either higher or lower than previously. If you would like further information about your students' maths please contact their class teacher or you can view the NESA Stage statements HERE.

Maths Tutorials

A reminder that maths tutorials are on three times per week for students who would like extra help with their maths. These are held;

  • Monday lunchtime located in T4
  • Tuesday (Seniors) 3:40 - 4:30 located in the Resource Centre
  • Wednesday (Everyone Welcome) 3:40 - 4:30 located in the Resource Centre


All students are expected to have their equipment every lesson. This includes;

  • Maths Workbook
  • Charged Chromebook
  • Black and Red Pens
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Calculator (available from School office for $26)

The maths staff are looking forward to working with students this year to improve their maths and make maths enjoyable.


Amanda Brown | Mathematics Coordinator