Health & Wellbeing


Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents/ guardians. It means your children are growing up!


However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative, disruptive or worrying behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.


At Kildare there is a strong focus, particularly at the beginning of the school year, to provide students with the opportunity to transition to their next stage of schooling. This provides an opportunity for connection, guidance and support. These opportunities aid in forging relationships, learning more of the College’s rich culture and of our peers.


SchoolTV, also provides parents with practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.


We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in SchoolTV. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact your young persons Academic Care and Wellbeing Coordinator or member of the Wellbeing Team for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the School Transitions edition of SchoolTV HERE


Here’s to 2023 being a wonderful opportunity for new beginnings.

Rachel Smith | College/School Counsellor