Prayer for my Family

& Message from the Director of Faith and Mission


I ask you to stretch out your guiding hand in showing families a path;

a path of support and belief they can achieve, a path that will teach

them to be strong and to know each member is valued.

God, I ask you to value their input and not let them see themselves

as failure. Allow them to let go of imperfections, of hatred, of pride in

themselves and others, with a breath of your presence,

knowing you are present with them in their journey.

This is my prayer for a family; maybe mine,

maybe others, but only you know, Lord.

Yours in prayer.


Message from the Director of Faith and Mission

I am pleased to have come and joined the staff here at Kildare Catholic College. I arrived a couple of weeks ago from Whanganui in New Zealand where, until the end of last year, I was privileged to be Acting Principal of a Catholic Primary School in need of help. Thanks to all those who have made me feel welcome and I look forward to working with many of you in the near future.


We had a fantastic Opening Mass for 2023 and a special thanks to Fr Sean Byrnes, the current Cathedral Administrator, who has taken on the Chaplaincy at the College, after Fr Paddy moved parishes. Fr Sean delivered a great homily in our Opening Mass, reminding us to be grateful for all that we have and also to never give in to despair. A good message for the year ahead.


The Diocese of Wagga Wagga Education office has chosen “The Good Soil” as a theme for this year and we here at Kildare have also adopted it. This will underpin all our liturgies throughout 2023. Hopefully we can assist our students to be that good soil, both here at school and at home. The Good Soil allows the message of Christ to flourish and be life giving to others.



Kieran Udy | Director of Faith and Mission