Resource Centre

The Term has started out with Years 7-9 English classes taking the opportunity to visit the Resource Centre to exchange books from holiday reading, for books to start the new year. Students chose both fiction and non-fiction books across a wide range of subjects and genres including many from the new books on display.

All students who have both library books and textbooks from last year and previous years need to return them promptly to avoid an invoice being generated for the cost of those books. 


This year the reminder emails for the return of books will be sent to parents/guardians and students to keep all parties informed as to what books students have borrowed and need to return. We hope this will assist in facilitating the return of books and minimise the need to generate invoices for the cost of books which parents were unaware their students had not returned. We would rather have the books returned than have to invoice for the cost of books. All books must be returned in good order to avoid the cost of replacement of any books borrowed.


There are quite a number of both library and textbooks overdue from 2022 and we urge all parents to check with their students to ensure the return of these items. Reminder emails with a list of overdue books will be sent to students and parents/guardians very soon.


We look forward to providing even more books for students to borrow and enjoy reading in and assisting all students with their learning in 2023.


“Reading for me, is spending time with a friend” Gary Paulsen (writer of children's and young adult fiction, best known for coming-of-age stories about the wilderness. He was the author of more than 200 books and wrote more than 200 magazine articles and short stories, and several plays, all primarily for teenagers).



Dr Sandra Cox-Townend  | Teacher Librarian