Outstanding Opportunities for our students!

There is a lot happening at CJC!

We would like to provide a brief overview and update regarding the curriculum highlights at our school and the opportunities your child/ren may have:

New Digital Technologies and STEM 

This year we introduced 2 new specialised areas, Digital Technologies and STEM.


Ms Spencer will be delivering specialised Digital Technologies lessons weekly to all students and Mr Lewis will be facilitating weekly specialised STEM lessons. These are two exciting additions to our curriculum and will ensure our students are provided with multiple opportunities to enhance their l

earning. We have also invested in additional 3D printers, coding devices and a range of other resources to support these areas.


Additionally, we will be continuing to use the services of Mr. Coby as our Digital Technologies consultant to improve the capacity of our staff in the Digital Technologies space. You can learn more about him here: https://mrcoby.com/


Wellbeing - School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPBS)

School-wide positive behaviour support is an evidence-based framework for Victorian government schools for preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. It focuses on catching students while they are being good. Our school was lucky 

enough to be inducted into this program.


Instead of using many different behaviour management strategies, a consistent system of expectations for all students within our school is implemented in all areas including classrooms and other settings such as in the classroom, the playground and on the buses.


You can read more about it here: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/behaviour-students/guidance/5-school-wide-positive-behaviour-support-swpbs-framework


Performing Arts - Music in Schools

Our school was also chosen to be part of the Music in Schools Program over the next two-years. Madam Baque and Madam Breimeyer will work with expert music teachers to improve our teaching and learning of music at our school. We will have coaches come out to the school and work within 

classrooms and there will also be professional development that our staff will attend.

You can read more about it here: https://www.vic.gov.au/music-schools


Numeracy - Peter Sullivan

We are continuing to work with Peter Sullivan around his approach to teaching mathematics. He worked with our staff on our first curriculum day to see what simple maths games can be used as quick assessment. He will also be coming out to our school to work in the classroom by modelling lessons and providing feedback over the year.


Literacy - Victorian Young Writers Program

We have been accepted to participate in the Victorian Young Writers Program in May this year.


This Includes-

  1. Free writing workshops with children's authors to support high-ability students at your school
  2. Ongoing support for both teachers and students post-workshop
  3. Carefully curated book pack of high-quality texts for our school library.


We will use our school data to select ten students to participate in the program. You can read more about it here: https://petaa.edu.au/w/w/Professional_Learning/Vic-Young-Writers.aspx


Extension – Literacy and Numeracy

Throughout the year, a select team of teachers will be working with a range of students to provide extension lessons. Students will be chosen based on our schools’ data and you will be informed if your child is participating in those lessons.


I will provide more updates throughout the year.




Mr Borg