John XXIII Rowing Club 

As we continue to stand tall against the challenges we face with COVID, we are lucky to still have some great training sessions. Below is this weeks entire Senior Girls crew. Well done to all rowers and coaches on your understanding and adaptability.


A plea to all Rowers – I urge you all to please communicate and communicate early. With exams coming up for our older students, it is more important than ever to look ahead at your schedules and plan your sessions into your weekly plans. Messaging a coach the night before a session does not give enough time to plan your sessions.


The only time we should be receiving last minute communication for not attending a training session would be due to sudden onset of illness.


If you are experiencing some challenges with your school, rowing and life balance, please come and discuss this with me. We can always find a solution to help. We just struggle to help at the last minute!


This weeks entire Senior Girls crew
This weeks entire Senior Girls crew

Year 9 Boys - URGENT

The Team App is our quickest form or communication. This allows coaches and myself to get in contact with your entire crew quickly. At this stage, very few Year 9 Boys have downloaded this app. Could you please do this ASAP? 


This week has seen low numbers at training. On Thursday morning's training session, eight out of 22 Year 9 boys attended. This has proven to be a significant challenge in entering crews for our upcoming All Schools Regatta on 29 May.  At this stage, if you have not been at training this week, coaches have to assume you are unwell and unable to row. You will not have been placed in a crew to race at our first Regatta (Sunday, 29 May). If you have just missed training and failed to communicate, please contact me asap so I can discuss with coaches to have you race. Your help in communication is greatly appreciated.

Year 8 Learn to Row Program

I invite all interested rowers in Year 8 to register their interest to join our Rowing Program in Term 3. Registration is now open and will close on 3 June, 2022. To registered please complete the registration form.


This program is our entry level program to develop rowers understanding of the sport and the commitments required. It is a fantastic program to immerse oneself into. It allows for personal and physical growth and is an avenue for students to develop life long networks. The Program concludes with a House Regatta at our College shed at Canning Bridge. 


Important information regarding the program:

Training will commence 3:30pm – 6:00pm two times per week

Training Days : TBC (depends on numbers) 

Costs: $250.00

Costs include all coaching, equipment, and bus transport for the term.


Year 8 students are encouraged to come on down to our lunchtime ergo competitions. Stay tuned to the notices to find out more.

Boys Seat Race Day

Wishing all boys a successful morning on the River this Saturday, 21 May. This morning is just an opportunity to allow rowers a last chance to experience race conditions. Thanks to parent helpers for the BBQ. 

Head of the River - call for raffle prizes

With John XXIII College hosting the IGSSA WA Head of the River in 2022 we need lots of help from the rowing and wider John XXIII College community. Our first call out is for RAFFLE PRIZES!!


Raffle prize collection will be in the week 30 May – 3 June. Collection buckets will be outside the sports office after school. Below is a guide on the donations we are asking for from each rowing group:


Year 9 families (boys & girls):

  • PAMPER HAMPER –e.g. Creams/lotions, soaps, beauty products, candles, aromatherapy items, vouchers for beauty/massage treatments or products

Year 10 families (boys & girls):

  • SPORTS HAMPER – e.g. Balls, socks, hats/visors, leisurewear, sports drinks, exercise bands, sweat towel, vouchers for gym/fitness/physio/clothing

Year 11/12 families (boys & girls):

  • GOURMET HAMPER– e.g. Chocolate, chutneys, preserves, crackers, tea/coffee, beef jerky, non-alcoholic drink, EVOO, vouchers for gourmet foods/restaurants/cooking classes (no-alcohol donations please)

Head of the River Merchandise 

Head of the River Merchandise will be available to order from this weekend, so to get in the first wave of orders, come on down to our tent and get your orders in.





Lorrelle Fortune

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator