Magis report 

One of the College’s Junior Debating Team’s competed in a rescheduled round on Tuesday evening. The topic of debate was whether international organisations should make developmental aid conditional upon democratic reforms. Whilst the debate was ultimately won by the negative team, the adjudicator commended the students on their grasp of a difficult topic – which showed a maturity well beyond their years. High praise indeed.


Round 4 of WADL Debating will take place this Tuesday. Junior and Senior team debates will compete impromptu, whilst the Novice teams will be tackling the topic of cloning humans. With such an interesting topic - it is sure to make for a rousing debate!


Magis refers to the philosophy of doing more for Christ, and therefore doing more for others – and this is amply demonstrated by our alumni students continuing to give back to the College. Pictured below, our some of our junior debaters in a coaching session this week with Rory Hewson – 2019 Magis Captain and Dux of the College. Since graduating, Rory has regularly adjudicated Magis competitions and assisted in coaching. It is always great to see alumni students returning to the College and the students very much appreciate the opportunity that this affords – to learn from and be mentored by students who have come before them.   


Junior debaters in a coaching session with Alumni Rory Hewson
Junior debaters in a coaching session with Alumni Rory Hewson


The College’s Ethics Olympiad Team (pictured below) had their first meeting this week. Ethics Olympiad provides students with a forum to engage in critical discussion on challenging issues facing society. They will be competing in the Australasian division later this term.



Great news…Drone and Dungeons & Dragons Clubs is starting back up – with the return of Club Coordinator, Mr Connellan. We look forward to hearing about their latest mission in next week’s report!


You can keep up to date with Magis and Altiora events by following the Term 2 calendar – which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. 



Students have been encouraged to enter the 2022 Young Voices Awards. The theme for this year is ‘Media for good’. We all know that media can be a powerful influence on society. We want students to use that power to make a positive difference in the world. Further details can be found by clicking on the link. Entries close 5pm, Friday 27 May 2022.





Daisy Farley

Magis Coordinator – Gifted and Talented