Well isn’t this great weather for ducks, fish and potential Olympians?  A big congratulations to Zac Sherar and Sophie McKenzie on making the Victorian State Swimming Team. They will both attend the National Swimming Championships later this year. We wish them the very best of luck and look forward to watching their swimming events live.


The Gippsland Cross Country was also held yesterday at Lardner Park with 16 students attending and representing our school.  Well done to all of these competitors on making it so far through.  We are very excited to hear that Sophie McKenzie and Tylen Withall have both progressed to the next level.


As we approach Exam Week next week, students are very busy finalising assessment tasks, revising topics and catching up on outstanding work. This often increases student stress levels and we remind all students to be kind to each other. We really never know the path that another is walking, and we should be generous with our words or thoughts.  Students who are feeling particularly anxious about exams or this intensive assessment time are welcome to speak with their Mentor Teacher, Year Level Coordinator, Anna Close-Mewett or Iain Luck to seek support and strategies.  You can also go to the Gippsland Youth Commitment directory for a range of services and resources available to support young people in our area at this link: Youth Services Directory (


Next Friday 10th June is a student free day to enable staff to plan for Semester 2, mark exams and finalise reports.  Some students may be required to attend on this day to complete assessments. They will be advised by Middle or Senior Senior School staff if this is the case.  For any other students who wish to attend on this day we will provide an opt-in link over the weekend from which you can enrol your child to be present. Light supervision will be provided for students who work on site on this day.


We would like to remind parents of the safety requirements when collecting your child by car at the end of the school day.  Please collect all children needed to be collected from the bottom of the loop. This is dangerous and a number of ‘near misses’ have been noted lately.  This is for the safety of drivers and children.  This loop is usually fully cleared within twenty minutes, so if you are patient there is only a small time delay. Thank you for ensuring the safety of our students.


The Attitudes to School Survey will be conducted on Tuesday 14th June. We always look forward to hearing from all members of our community about how we are performing, as it provides valuable feedback for improving the services that we offer. The Department are however providing parents with the option to opt out of this survey for their child.  Further information regarding how to do this will be sent out over the weekend.


Wishing you all a cosy weekend by the fire.


John Wilson
Rebecca Anthony
John Wilson
Rebecca Anthony

Acting Principal - John Wilson

Acting Assistant Principal  -  Rebecca Anthony