Education in Faith

Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year C

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus prepares his disciples for his return to God. The readings tell us that we can rely on the Holy Spirit to help us in our faith journey. 


The Key focus of this week’s readings are: 

  • The Holy Spirit
  • God’s blessings
  • Building the Kingdom of God
  • God keeps His promises

In the first reading the apostles let the Holy Spirit lead them through the laws. 

The psalm declares “May God have pity on us and bless us; may he let his face shine upon us.” 

In the second reading John gazes on the new Jerusalem. 

And in the gospel Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide us.


He promised his disciples (and us) that the Holy Spirit would live within us and provide strength and courage. The Spirit is always available to help us as a counsellor and advocate. Through the Spirit, we will be able to recall the words and teachings of Jesus and even come to understand these things in a way that we could not before. In addition, Jesus promised his disciples to receive peace from the Spirit. The peace of the Spirit would be a “shalom” kind of peace which provided a special inner serenity.

 Jesus told his disciples that if they truly loved him, they would be happy that he was going to be with his Father. While the words are sometimes hard, even for us as we face a loss through death, our faith lets us know that Jesus and our loved ones are truly happy in a way we cannot fully understand. 


Jesus offered the Spirit to the disciples because he knew the days ahead would be hard for them. It is that same Spirit that helps us and our families when we face hard days following a death. The greatest news in this reading is that Jesus will be back for us!

Jesus promises to send an Advocate or intercessor, The Holy Spirit to be with us until he returns. The Holy Spirit will remind the disciples of everything that Jesus taught them and bring them peace.


Jesus prepared his disciples in advance for his absence so that they will continue to believe in him and not feel all alone after his return to the Father. 

As our celebration of the Easter season is coming to an end, the liturgy reminds us that Jesus remains with us through the Holy Spirit, who teaches us everything we need to know, reminds us of all that Jesus taught, and brings us peace.

God's presence overcomes anxiety about God's absence; and the present holds in it the seeds of a fresh future shaped by love, not fear.


Discussion Starters

This week I saw the Holy Spirit’s presence in . . .

One time I know the Holy Spirit was really guiding me was when . . .

It helps me to know that Jesus is coming back for us especially when I think about . . 


Sacramental News and Dates

Please note the following dates could change due to Covid -19 restrictions.


First EucharistParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 12th July 6 pm at SFS Sunday July 17th at 11:00 am at St. Kevin’s Parish

Reconciliation and 

Eucharist Practice at St. Kevin’s –Friday 15th July

During School Time- Parents need not attend  

ConfirmationParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 2nd August 6 pm at SFSThursday August 11th at 6:00 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish 


Sacrament Levy

There is a $15 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice, and reflection day by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.

God Bless 


Rozeta Ambrose







Teachers have been busily giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given in the first week of this initiative are:


PATRICK 53         BOSCO 50            TERESA 45           MACKILLOP 43


Congratulations to Patrick for the first week of the competition!


Our total points for the Community Spirit Award so far:


1st                    BOSCO                                 534

2nd                   MACKILLOP                      453

3rd                   PATRICK                              382

4th                   TERESA                                374


Well done Bosco!!!      But let’s see who will be winning next week!!!


Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again collect the points sheet and add the points so that we can give students and staff an update through Morning Gathering on Wednesday and parents will be given an update via the newsletter.


Can’t wait to see who is winning next week after our more House points have been distributed!!


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies