Head of Students News
Mr Peter Serone
Head of Students News
Mr Peter Serone
The majority of College families are now using the parent lounge to notify of student absences. Attached are instructions for recording absentees for those families who have not switched over from the phone line recording.
A reminder that the student absentee phone line will be switched off in the near future and the College will require all families to notify via Parent Lounge.
All students from Years 7–12 received an insightful presentation on ‘Navigating a s*xed up world’ with age-appropriate content challenging the students on their thinking with the messages they see and hear through the media, advertising and technology in the modern world. A key message to the students was the aspect of respecting all people equally – a common theme in our Marist community.
Melinda has given permission for her parent presentation to be recorded and is now available for parents to view below:
A letter will be sent to all families outlining the information for Sunday’s walkathon. Below is the schedule of events. Students will need to bring their ID cards with them to register attendance.
The class that raises the most money will win a pizza party. Currently, 6 White are leading the way in our Primary School. The secondary competition has Ignatius 104 slightly ahead of Ephrem 604 by a margin of $100.00. We appreciate your support with this fundraiser.
7:45am | Students to arrive and check-in using student ID card |
8:00am | Fancy dress competition judging (Primary School in Primary Courtyard; Secondary School at Podium) |
8:15am | Years 5, 6 and 12 students depart from Primary |
8:30am | Years 7-11 students depart from the Podium |
From 9:15am | Students will start returning to the College, and MUST check out using student ID card at the Finish Line, on McMahon Oval |
9:30am | Battle of the Bands commences |
By 11:00am | All students should have completed the Walkathon and have left the Barracks |
12:00pm | Battle of the Bands judging and finish |
The College’s formal yard supervision of students commences at 8:15am every school day.
Those boys who are attending sports training or other planned activities will be supervised by the adult(s) in charge. From 7:30am, boys are welcome at either of the libraries or the Centre for Learning Enrichment for tutoring and other assistance.
While there are always adults around the school from 7:00am in a coaching or tutoring capacity, Marist College Ashgrove does not provide formal supervision of students not attending sport training, music rehearsal or tutoring prior to 8:15am. Parents are responsible for their sons prior to this time.