Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jennifer Smeed, Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg and Mr Adam Knight

Year 10 and 11 2023 Subject Information Evening

The Year 10 and 11 2023 Subject Information evening will be held this evening (Tuesday 31st May). The Year 10 2023 session will commence with a presentation in the Champagnat Centre at 6:00pm for all students and their parents, followed by the opportunity to visit subject displays where teachers and Curriculum Leaders will be available to answer subject-specific questions. From 7:00pm, Year 11 2023 students and their parents are invited to attend the information presentation in the Champagnat Centre before attending the subject displays. The Senior Handbook 2023 is also available via the Year 10 ASH Moodle page and the student portal.

Year 12 Gold Optimus Breakfast with Dr Jeannette Young

Next week, our Year 12 Gold Optimus Award recipients and their parents will come together to celebrate the outstanding Unit 3 academic achievements of these students at the Annual Optimus Breakfast. We also welcome our 2021 Year 5-11 Dux and Proxime Accessit recipients to this significant academic event. This year, the Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM, will address the gathering and present the boys with their awards. For families invited please RSVP via the link provided in the invitation. The breakfast will occur on Thursday 9 June. Please arrive at the Cyprian Pavilion from 6:50am. Please note that bookings close on Monday 6 June at 5:00pm.

Year 12 Head of College and Optimus Awards Presentation

The Year 12 Head of College and Gold, Silver and Bronze Optimus Awards for study in Unit 3 will be presented to students at College assembly next Wednesday 8 June. Recipients of these awards will be acknowledged in the newsletter in Week 9, after these presentations have occurred. Well done to all boys who have achieved highly in their results and learning behaviours across Unit 3.

Year 12 Academic Interviews 

Year 12 Academic Interviews began last week. In Week 5, parents and students received an email providing instructions on how to book in for these interviews with a member of the Academic Care Team (ACT). For ATAR eligible students, the latest ATAR prediction is being discussed. Parents are invited to attend these academic conversations; however, it is not essential that they do so. 


Please work with your son to ensure he books in as soon as possible. For any questions, please email curriculum@marash.qld.edu.au 

Year 11 Subject Changes and Reports

Year 11 teachers are currently marking and cross-marking Unit 1 assessment. These results will be released in Year 11 Unit 1 Report Cards in early Week 8. Parents will receive notification via email when these are available. Please note, task specific feedback can be viewed on the portal (see instructions below).


For students wishing to change subjects, they will need to visit the Academic Care Team (via the Studies Office) this week. 

Middle School Exam Schedule

Friday 10 June to Thursday 16 June

Exam Schedules have been released to all students across Years 7-10. Please ensure that you have downloaded these schedules and highlighted dates and rooms for your upcoming assessment. These schedules are also available on Moodle. Instructions on how to access these are outlined below.


Please note that boys will have testing up until the end of Week 9 and therefore we ask that all parents refrain from leaving the College early for holidays. If your son misses an assessment task due to early departure, he will need to make this exam up in Term 3. 

All students leaving the College early need to complete a Request for Extended Leave form (available at Studies Office) and contact their Head of House or Head of Boarding for permission. 

Elevate Education Parent Webinar

We’re excited to announce that parents of Marist College Ashgrove have exclusive access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar Series this year. Elevate works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how to better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.


Wednesday 1 June @ 6:30pm (AEDT)

How to Improve Your Child's Memory


Free Registration


 Here's what Elevate will be covering:

  • How you can set up your child’s study space to maximise attention;
  • The best techniques for improving memory;
  • The 7 most common mistakes which actually reduce memory retention.

The webinar is run live online from 6:30 - 7:30pm (AEDT) where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.


If you are unable to make the webinar, don't worry! If you sign up to attend, you'll receive the webinar recording on Thursday morning:


Free Registration


Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.


📞 1300 667 945

✉️ aucoaching@elevateeducation.com



Old Boy Maths Tutoring – All Years 

We have four wonderful old boys who tutor our current students from Year 7-12 in maths each morning. We encourage all boys to add one session per week into their study load. Our old boys -Tom, Josh, Nick and Will- are very welcoming and would love to see more students attend.

Math tutoring is in room 402 from 7.45am-8.30am every morning.

All are welcome!

Study Hall – All Year Levels

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning the teacher librarians in the senior library offer study hall sessions from 7:45 am to 8:30 am. These are designed to build the student’s capacity to study independently by teaching them key skills for the first 15mins of the sessions and then offering independent supported study for the remainder of the time.

Please find below the outline for the Study Hall for Term two. 

7Active V’s Passive Study
9Study organisation recap

Assessment Calendars and Exam Block Schedules

Assessment calendars for Term 2 have been released to students and parents. Students are encouraged to transfer due dates for assessment into their school diaries. This should also include draft due dates.


To access assessment calendars please follow these steps:


1 - Access your parent portal



2 - Click on the tab that reads “Assessment and Exam Schedules.”

3 - Select the appropriate year level that your son is in. 

4 - Print schedule and ask your son to transfer dates into his College Diary.

How to access Academic Reports – Parent Lounge

Please follow these steps to access academic reports


1. Open Parent Portal and click on “Parent Lounge”


2. Academic Reports are accessible via the link of the left-hand side of the page, or at the bottom of the main screen. Click on the academic report you would like to see.

Accessing LMS for Task-Specific Feedback 

At the completion of each drafting stage and final completion of assessment (both written and exam), your son will receive task-specific feedback from his teachers. It is important that your son/s access this feedback, so they are aware of their strengths and limitations. Parents are also encouraged to access this information.


Please follow these steps to access task-specific feedback.


1. Open Parent Portal and click on “Parent Lounge”


2. On the left-hand tab select “Curricular Activities Due” and select “view all activities” on the top right-hand side of the page. 


This will take you to a screen that lists of your son/s assessment to complete, or has been completed.


3. Click on a subject to view feedback. 


4. Once you click on the subject you will be able to find the following information:

  1. Task sheet for assessment – this will outline what your son needs to do to complete the task successfully
  2. Draft due dates and due dates
  3. Criteria sheet
  4. Feedback
  5. Result

Learning from Home

If you are unable to attend school due to COVID-19 please access your classwork via the Moodle subject page and ensure you are revising for your upcoming exams. If you are unsure of what work to complete or require further work or assistance, please contact your classroom teacher for further guidance.