Deputy Head of College News

Mr Bruce McPhee

The Little Things

I would like to start my article this week by congratulating the vast majority of our boys who constantly pay attention to all aspects of the expectations that we as adults place on them as families and as a school. We are blessed to be part of a community that agrees high expectations are good for young people and that our boys do understand the need for this – even though at times they may not agree with it.


This congratulation and thanks is extended to you, our parents and guardians, who share the understanding of aiming for our boys to be 100% Marist, 100% of the time.

Issues on Buses / Transport

Should you become aware of inappropriate behaviour on buses or school transport on the way to or from school, please do not hesitate to get in contact with your son’s Head of House or Primary Pastoral Leader. At our pornography presentation last night, I mentioned to parents present that should our boys be subjected to any kind of behaviour that is not appropriate by older boys or their peers, we will endeavour to investigate and resolve the situation. We will work with you as families to try hard not to escalate such situations, but to support the boys in finding the best way forward – which sometimes does result in consequences for some parties involved. This is all part of the learning process.


Thank you to those families who have donated. Congratulations to the primary boys who are in the lead at the moment.


Please use the QR code below to make your donation. We are looking forward to seeing many donations come in this week as we head into Sunday.