Bee Project Update

More Hives for the Hive
This week saw the beginning of the MCA bee project with Wednesday’s promotional speech at assembly, getting all the boys on board with the exciting news that new beehives were coming to the MCA! Since then, the first major step involved fundraising at break 1 on Friday. Our Year 10 LMYELN boys, Jack Lowe, Jake Edye and Ash Bishop, hosted a garlic bread and soft drink sale that raised over $1000.00 towards this cause.
This would not have been possible without the help of the Environmental Club, hospitality boys, Mr Gary Keown and Mr Matt Tarlinton who helped to make it a success. We’d like to especially thank the amazing Ms Kenny who has coordinated the project and put in many hours of her free time to help this new and exciting project for the benefit of all the boys and teachers at MCA! We’re very excited to see these native stingless bees come to MCA in Term 3. Stay tuned.