Principal's Report

Term 3
Who would have thought that we would be back here again. Remote learning and socil distancing, this time with masks! I have been so proud of our students, families and staff as they have demonstrated great resilience in once again taking on remote learning. We hope that we have become even better at making sure our students are learning during this crazy time.
I hope that everyone is feeling and staying safe. There are many children and adults who are experiencing anxiety right now. Some have always suffered from anxiety and for some people it is a new feeling. There are some great resources online to support us as adults as well as children. I have put some of these links below and please remember we are here to help. We want everyone to be able to get through this time safe, healthy and learning. If you need anything from us even if its just a chat about your child then that is ok and we are happy for you to call or email.
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
Enrolments for 2021
We currently have 17 Prep enrolments for 2021. There is a much more even gender spread of 8 girls and 9 boys. Very exciting for us as I know us and many families can be frustrated for our girls as there have been so few of them over the years. It is great to see it becoming more even.
There has been a new policy released for the North Eastern Victoria Region in relation to Kinder to Prep transitions. This includes a new timeline for enrolments and a very strong message that your local school is the best school for you.
Locate your designated neighbourhood school using
Contact your designated neighbourhood school and submit an enrolment application for Foundation by 7 August 2020.
If you prefer, you may contact another local primary school to enquire about enrolling.
Your primary school will notify you of the outcome of your child’s Foundation enrolment application by 21 August 2020.
Student Learning
This week teachers will be posting student learning goals on SeeSaw for every child. These goals are to support the individual learning needs for each child. The learning goals have been developed to help provide a bit of a focus for home in regards to where your childs needs are.
The teachers and support staff are working very hard to help ensure that our students are continuing to learn remotely. It is important that we have your feedback. Any feedback about the planning and your child's learning would be greatly appreciated and would help guide our next few weeks of remote learning to support us to keep providing a learning program that caters to your childs needs.
It would be great to get feedback on the following:
- Is the work provided enough or too much?
- Is it written in a way that makes it easy for you and your child to understand?
- Is the work provided challenging enough for your child?
- Is the work too challenging for your child?
- Is there any particular thing that is helping with learning at home or making it difficult?
We know that every child is different and will learn differently and we also know that each family will manage learning in their own way. We want to do the best that we can.
Please email me:
Have a great week everyone.