Year 10 & 11 EXAMS: The Semester Two Year 10 & 11 Examination Period at KSC began on Monday 15th June and ran until Thursday 18th. The engagement and commitment to this process by students has been excellent this year and we hope that the experience of formal exams helps our Senior School students in future years. 


One of our key areas of School improvement in 2020 has been to increase the rigor and consistency of assessment in the senior years with a specific goal of building student familiarity with the exam; thus preparing students for VCE/VCAL. We want to build the capacity of students to revise, review and reflect on their learning each semester through the process of exams. 


I would like to formally thank our supervisors & administrators for helping to make this process smooth and very professional, and of course our teaching staff for setting and marking these papers. Results will be available with reports at the end of this term.


We are nearing the end of Semester Two (slightly later than anticipated!), and I have been so pleased to see our Seniors back in the ‘STEAM’ & applying themselves to the assessment they need to complete before holidays. But it has also been fantastic to see people’s faces and how happy they are to be in class – in person! We have also learnt some cool new ways of communicating with students and we aim to take the ‘very best’ of our VCE remote learning experiences into the future. 


YEAR 12 PROGRESS REPORTS:  All year 12 VCE students may now access a progress report via COMPASS: INSIGHTS. These have been completed by each of their subject teachers and offer valuable & important information for parents and students about: the great things they are doing, areas for improvement and any overdue learning tasks which now need completion. Please take a moment to check these.


VCAL ENTERPRISE: My Senior VCAL Hospitality class have done some fabulous work since returning to school, but I also wanted to share some pictures of their delicious ‘breakfast for 2’ creations which were part of their remote cooking experience! Well done guys.


HOMEWORK CLUB: now & in the June / July break. Supervised homework / help sessions are run EVERY Monday night in the STEAM building after school – 3.30-4.30pm. It is expected that all VCE students will take this opportunity to complete any outstanding tasks from Unit 1 or 3 before the end of the Semester. Ms Creaser & I will also supervise extra sessions if necessary.

Ms Creaser has also sent a schedule home with all Year 12 students to fill in and organise with their individual subject teachers for potential catch ups across two days. Come along and get ahead! 


Holiday English lectures will be focussed on revision of the Unit 3 text for the final exam & comparative pair for Unit 4. Ms Neill will be facilitating these.


The school will be open from 11am to 6.30pm - Monday 6th July and 9am  to 3.30pm -  Tuesday 7th of July. 


English Lectures:

Monday 6/7: Much Ado About Nothing – 4.30 – 6.30pm

Tuesday 7/7: A guide to Comparative Text Analysis – 9.00 - 10.30am

Tuesday 7/7: Tracks & Charlie’s Country – 11.15 – 1.15pm 



Melissa Neill – Senior School Coordinator