One week to go on the craziest term of the decade! Since returning to onsite learning, our focus has been on many things - settling students back into the school routine, following up any concerns that arose during remote learning, dealing with enhanced cleaning and hygiene expectations, and getting students through their assessments for the term. 

Well done to our senior students who have attacked their exams with determination, resilience, and a strong dose of hard work! Teachers are working busily to mark these exams, and all teachers are in the process of finalising assessment and completing reports.

Parents can find the following information on Compass:

  • GPA Reports (out shortly)
  • Feedback on Learning Tasks

At the end of the term, parents and students will also receive a Semester Report. These reports include a summary of results (summary of the learning tasks), an indication of students curriculum levels (Years 7-10), and an assessment of progress against either VCE or VCAL in Years 11 and 12. Further information on the Learning Tasks can be found in your students profile in Compass. The Semester Reports also include a detailed statement from your child’s mentor. The Department also requires students this semester to receive a statement about their approach to online learning.


DET Remote Learning Survey

Thank you again to everyone who has completed this survey. Feedback helps us to improve, so it is valuable to us to hear what parents think. The survey is open until the 26th June, so if any parents would still like to complete this, you are more than welcome (details have been sent out via email and in the previous newsletter). We will feed back the results next term in more detail, however, as the survey is live, we have been able to see the results as they come in. Here is one aspect of the survey. The survey also allows you to leave comments, we have been chuffed to receive via this survey lovely thank you’s on our hard work. 


To read the survey, 89% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that the school was ready for remote learning. 34% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that their child learnt as effectively at home as they do in the classroom. For the question, “I find it difficult to balance my work and other family commitments …”, only 27% disagreed or strongly disagreed, meaning that 73% of parents found it difficult. This question is different to the others, in that a positive response to the question was indicating that parents didn’t find it difficult.



Principal - Vaya Dauphin

Assistant Principal  -  John Wilson