Environmental Group Update

Celebrating World Environment Day 

Last Friday was World Environment Day, a day which calls us to recognise the impact and responsibility that each of us has towards the environment. Marist College Ashgrove is celebrating with a day for action this coming Friday, June 12, with the first annual 

Go Green Free Dress Day


! Come to school on Friday sporting your favourite green free dress.

Remember to bring a Litter Free Lunchbox. This means no plastic wraps or chip packets in your lunch. Instead, bring only packaging that can be recycled or reused. For those of you boys in Years 5 and 6, some of the seniors from the Environment Group will be coming around to your classes on Friday morning to check your lunches. There will be a prize for the class with the least amount of litter, so make sure you don’t forget!


A huge thanks must also go to the boys who have already submitted their posters in the ‘Nurture Nature’ poster competition! An exceptionally high level of artistic and creative skill was highlighted, and it will be amazing to see some of the great designs around the yard.  

New Bins

You may have already noticed the new rubbish bins starting to appear around the yard. While the Blue bins for bottle recycling were terrific, an upgrade has been long-awaited. We now have three different types of bins:

  • maroon for organics, 
  • yellow for commingled recycling, and 
  • red for general waste. 

Having these different bins for our waste is a significant step in the right direction for the College and it will be great to see all boys using them in the weeks to come. But for now, while they continue to arrive, we ask you to be conscious of how your food is packaged and the waste you generate in an effort to develop environmentally-friendly habits.


Green Ash

Social distancing restrictions permitting, the GreenAsh program will hopefully be restarting in Term Three. GreenAsh is an initiative which aims to revegetate the natural environment around the College, specifically through weeding and replanting native flora along the creek which backs onto The Flats. It is a great way to get your hands dirty with some friends and earn a few MATES hours in the process! More information on this will be posted in the coming weeks.


If you’re interested in joining the Environment Group or being involved in any of these initiatives, send an email to environmentgroup@marash.qld.edu.au or simply sign up on the Learning portal under the co-curricular tab.


Together, lets clean the hive!


Lucas Kozlovskis and the Environment Executive